New Post: Announcing the Lapdock Kit

Thanks Kyle, but I have one more question:
Can this port can be used at the same time when it’s docked?

I believe he is talking about the USB-C port on the NexDock. There are 3 USB-C ports:

  1. For the phone to connect and dock
  2. Charging port
  3. Data port to use with peripherals

So your phone will be docked in port 1 and the USB-C to ethernet port will be using port 3

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Hacker News weighs in.


Actually is there a way to buy (or just links) for USB cable and magnetic attachment that comes with Lapdock ?

I found:


I would like to know if anyone else had experience with these specific products, also looks like phone needs to have metal plate stuck to back.

[EDIT]: Both of these seem to work fine.
I would like cable to be bit more flexible ((phone needs to be bit away from screen)
Phone weight is enough that if u keep nexdock below eye level opening screen further will make it go flat

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I really like the idea of the lapdock kit.

It is sad that there is no Ethernet port. Adding additional adapters seems silly. That would be my feedback for the next generation of the lapdock. Adding a RJ45 socket for Ethernet. Maybe an expandable one like it is done in the Librem 14, so that the lapdock can stay flat.

The lapdock must have some WiFi device included. As far as I understand it is possible to connect to the touchscreen and keyboard via bluetooth and to the monitor via Miracast/Screen cast. I think the latter works similar to ad-hoc WLAN. I wonder what’s with the touchpad. Not sure if the L5 could make any use of that capability. I guess the bluetooth keyboard and maybe touchscreen connection should work. I remember there was some work on an implementation for Linux. IIRC it works similar to HDMI over WiFi. This was years ago and it was difficult and has been given up. I am not sure what the biggest problems were: technical or dealing with proprietary technology maybe with unfree licensing. That is sad. Imagine to quickly share your Linux device’s screen to a TV or beamer! I did not research if there is a new approach in the pipeline, but it would definitely be worth the work.

I have two questions, @Kyle_Rankin.

  1. Can we please get a detailed picture of the lapdock’s keyboard? Crazy that even doesn’t provide some.

  2. Is the keyboard deactivated, when using the lapdock in tablet mode? Otherwise I could imagine that I would accidentally doing keyboard input all the time while holding the device or laying it on my knee or so.

I could be wrong but I am saying “no”.

There are two different products: NexDock 360 and NexDock Wireless. The former is wired only and I am asserting based on the original blog post that it is the former that is in this offering.

It is still a valid question though to wonder what the state of Linux support is for the Wireless version of the product (specifically the display over WiFi). It’s a little bit too expensive to be the one trying to answer that question …

Ah. Yes. You are right. I was confused.

I can’t say anything about the compatibility to the Nexdock Wireless but beside the older project ‘MiracleCast’ there is a new project implementing wireless screen cast: gnome-network-displays. I guess in case someone give it a try it would be good to present the results in a dedicated thread.

Thanks, but I was curious if the Nexdoc could handel multiple USB port’s and as far as I understood everything right, that seems to be the case :grinning:

PSA: if you’re thinking of plugging a hub into the nexdock make sure it’s a powered hub that has its own power adapter. I doubt that dock’s little port can handle much amperage.

OK I’ll try to update the product page with one soon.

Yes, the keyboard/mouse are deactivated once you flip it past a certain point in the 360 hinge. I should note that not all lapdocks that feature a 360 hinge deactivate the keyboard/mouse in tablet mode, but the Nexdock 360 does.

As far as WiFi/BT casting, Nexdock does offer a new product with that feature but I’m unsure how many of our customers would want a device that is always broadcasting WiFi/BT w/o a kill switch. Beyond that, even if miracast support were better, I suspect most people would still prefer to physically connect their Librem 5 to the lapdock if for no other reason than to keep it charged.


In the meantime, I found photos here:
and here:


If you have access to mains power then a fully wireless interface between phone and lapdock, keeps the USB-C port on the phone free and therefore allows you to have the phone on charge to the mains.

If you are off-grid then keeping the phone charged would definitely be a consideration and wireless could be a problem. (You might have to invest in a powerbank if going wireless.)

As to the security and privacy considerations, speaking only for myself, happy to keep it “wired”!

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When “off-grid” such as at a conference, I tend to use my Librem 5 + lapdock with the Librem 5 plugged in and charging, and if I am not near an outlet to plug the lapdock in, I often carry one of our 20,000mAh battery banks with me and plug that into the Nexdock to keep it charged while it is keeping the Librem 5 charged as I use it.


So with Nexdock one still ends up with multiple cables to suit my needs. Pity.

Yes, when the Librem 5 is docked, it is using a USB-C port on the left side that is specifically designed for this purpose. On the right-hand side of the Nexdock are two other ports. The one near the back is for charging the Nexdock itself. The one near the front is an input port you could use to plug in a USB-C Ethernet adapter, a USB-C thumb drive, or other USB-C accessories.

In my case it typically only requires the short cable that connects the Librem 5 to the Nexdock, and optionally the cable that charges the Nexdock itself (if I don’t want to drain its battery). So if you are willing to run from battery you’d just need the one cable, and if you wanted to connect accessories to the open front-right USB-C port, those accessories.

Didn’t realize it was USB C, so my advice isn’t as relevant.


I’m considering the Nexdoc as an option, but have not made a decision yet. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Once question i had, could the same method or software be used to show the phone on a large display when plugging the phone into a USB hub, where the large display is also used by a desktop computer with two displays, where it could negotiate or let the use decide whether to display the desktop or the phone input, in theory could that work?

My usecase is that i have a desktop with two displays, but for certain trouble shooting i might want to use one of these displays to show the phone content and use a mouse and keyboard.