New Post: From the Hackdesk: Librem 16

Librem 16 development is well underway and features our Purism Hardware Kill switches. Availability of the Librem 16 is planned for Q4 2024, so stay tuned!


This Librem 16 comes with a new WLAN/WPAN Controller Purely Free Software? or it is the impure/unsecurity/unfreedom Open Source Intel AX200?



What is the performance like when running 4 monitors? Is it actually good?


Partly I’m curious because my Librem 14 is almost powerful enough to replace the workflow I was doing on a desktop with a big nVidia card in the past. But the desktop with the big nVidia card would let me run 4 monitors, and screen record myself with a video camera as well, all while running a homebrew 3D game I wrote on one of the four monitors and making a video of me doing that. And I struggle to get the same performance when doing stuff but also video recording on the Librem 14, even though it’s generally OK with video recording and OK with 3D homebrew gameplay, it seems like it chokes up to be doing my homebrew 3D game while also screen recording at the same time.


The post unfortunately studiously avoids giving comprehensive specifications.

I would assume (based on the killswitch functionality) that the WiFi is implemented by a dedicated M.2 card and that you can order it without a WiFi card and thereby use whatever WiFi card meets your requirements.


I did a quick recording of Neverputt across the 4 displays, this was nice and smooth. I didn’t have a screen recorder running at this point though. What’s your screen recorder of choice @Dlonk ?


Yes it’s an M.2 socket. You can see the card near the fans in the photo focusing on the RAM/SSD. The empty socket is also visible in the development board shot near the RTC battery connector, lower-left corner.

So you can absolutely use whatever card fits your needs.


Uhh, I tended to use sudo apt install obs and then use obs because of the nice featureset, but more recently I realized that while it’s open it contacts at Richard Stanway’s personal website because he got code contributed into it so that the default configuration (probably for a large number of users) is for the program to call home to his “personal website” or whatever. And this was happening when I was using it for offline recording after choosing the offline recording option in the startup wizard.

So, as with almost any software, if something is good it usually ends up getting messed up. It might be better to use whatever you think is good than to use my opinion.


May you to consider to update to use the new Crimson Wallpaper as @francois-techene suggested?



Right. And I understand that! Too early yet.
For me, the most watched specification will be which Intel Core will be chosen for the CPU: will it be 12th, 13th, or 14th gen Core?
I assumed Intel CPU, because I don’t see anything else possibly replacing this manufacturer yet (unfortunately) and certainly not AMD (PSP nightmare) nor ARM (not powerfull enough)

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Odds are that PCIe 4.0 will be supported similar to the Librem 11, but I am curious if the Librem 16 will support DDR5. The Qubes OS team have recently been aggressive with product certifications, with one of them supporting both PCIe 5.0 and DDR5.


Me too.

I think one can infer “later than what’s in the Librem 14” based on the information that is available.

I likewise assume Intel CPU.

You can almost certainly block that but I take your point that it is unhelpful that you have to spend time noticing that and then countering it.


I would like to see L14 v2 by using L16 v2(v1) PCB then i will happpy to order one, as i not interested on L16 size. 16" too big.


I agree. 16” is fine if it sits on the desk and never moves. But I prefer the portability of the 14”


I think there is a good chance the L16 PCB would not fit in a L14 case.


Yes it definitely requires changes on L16-PCB or in Librem 14 case, but I see it potentially possible

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I ordered a Nexdock 360 Wireless from the Nex website while I wait for the more official lapdock kit from Purism to ship.

I’m noticing that the Nexdock 360 from the Nexdock website has the SHIFT key to the left of the Up Arrow, whereas the Librem 14 has the SHIFT key to the right of the Up Arrow. This increases the frustration associated with going between them. In my experience, the Librem 14 keyboard configuration is the less conventional of the two, but now that I’ve been getting used to the Librem 14 way, the Nexdock keyboard seems wrong. Will the Librem 16 continue the trend of nonstandard right shift placement, or change to match more conventional laptop style keyboards?

I’m also seeing that if I dock the Librem 14 to the Nexdock and close the lid, effectively using it as the processor for the Nexdock, then audio plays out of the Nexdock speakers and has much higher/better fidelity audio quality than if the audio plays out of the original Librem 14 speakers. Will the Librem 16 have higher audio quality in the speakers than the Librem 14? Or should I be thinking that the worse quality audio on my Librem 14 is some malfunction specific to my unit?


I am going under the assumption that the 16" is referring to the screen but would be using about the same dimensions as the Librem 15 due to having smaller bezels, much like the Librem 14. Until the specs are officially announced, this is all speculation.


As a general rule, the bigger the screen, the more space for the keyboard, the more standard the layout.

However this is just speculation until actual product images are released.

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The former based on Purism’s history.


All speculation, just as you wrote.
I have seen nowhere a mention that the next Librem will in effect be a 16" LCD.
Has anyone seen even a hint to this?
Maybe we picked up this notion because all previous Librem models were a direct reference to the screen size. But the number 16 could also be only a continuation in numbering (11…13…14…15…) in the chronology of former models (although the correct chronology would then be: 13, 15, 14, 11, 16)