New Post: Librem 14: Adding Librem EC, Freed Embedded Controller Firmware

This seems relevant:

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Yes, you can use the purism ectool, copy it to dom0, and run in dom0. Here are the steps:

# In a domU VM:

# Download the ectool on a VM with internet access and decompress
curl -LO
gzip -d purism_ectool.gz

# In dom0

# Copy the ectool to dom0 (be warned, you will be executing code in dom0.
# Executing any code in dom0 will always pose some level of risk that may
# compromise dom0 and thus all the domU's, so do this step at your own risk).
qvm-run --pass-io <src-vm> 'cat /path/to/purism_ectool' > purism_ectool

# Make executable and check the firmware version. The version number will
# be printed in the dom0 terminal.
chmod +x purism_ectool
sudo ./purism_ectool info

For more info, see these 2 links:

There are also probably better ways to check this without needing to copy an executable to dom0, so if someone knows a better way please share.

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