New Post: November Librem 5 update: Byzantium Released

Yes, that would be great. I don’t know right now how to do it, if you figure it out then please share how you did it, I would like to do it too.

Then we can use maps the way it should be, having cellular and wifi switched off but still using GPS and plotting the GPS position on the map. I want to know where I am, but I don’t necessarily want everyone else to know where I am. :slight_smile:


Maybe some people developing on L5 know how to do it…

By the way, the weather app does not pick up the GPS position. Although the auto location is enabled it still brings the forecast for the wrong place.

Still does not work as expected. I took the phone out for a walk a few kilometers from my house. It never changed its opinion that I am still in my house. Is this related to ephemeris
(or how it is called?).

Then you are not getting a fix on your position.

If you are never getting vAlid data then it is not possible to say where you were or where you are now.

Explanation of what it is: Given the etymology (ἐφημερίς) I would have thought that you would be all over it. :wink:

I suspect that in modern days, the actual ephemeris is just the orbital parameters of each satellite in the constellation so that, coupled with suitable software, you can predict where each satellite will be in the sky at any given time. This contrasts with an ephemeris in days of yore which would be a published table giving the position at incremental moments in time.

As to your question, I think that if you have ever got a valid fix then you have downloaded the ephemeris but if you have never got a valid fix then you may not have downloaded the ephemeris.

To be clear, I have never used any software on the Librem 5 that bothers with the position e.g. not Maps or anything else. I only used grep as above until I got a fix (valid position).

I hope that some application with OSM/.obf support will available in some time. I have done experiment with building Qt5/6 based GPXsee build i my AArch64 Pure OS debootsrap system. GPXsee knows many online and offline maps formats (no obf unfortunately) and I have soem Garmin images builds from OSM laying around and they seems to work. Application is desktop one, so works the best when Librem 5 is docked and you have keyboard and mounse but it seems near to usable on phone screen alone as well. You can open map, select to show actual position (on actual last week release) and soom in by double-tap. Panning works on touch interface well to. Problem is zoom-out for which I have not found any method available n touch screen. But I think tha addition of the pinch gesture is easy for somebody with better Qtř knowledge and I plan to try implement it myself with my limited experience when time allows if nobody else start it before.

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I have implemented Map zoom by pinch gesture from touch-screen and Pinch gesture zoom uses digital scaling appropriate for maps. and prepared pull request. But author reply is not promising that it would be integrated into mainline soon. So you can use my branch zoom-by-pinch from my fork for now. If there is interest I provide binaries or Debian package. I am not sure if proposal of GPXsee to become PureOS package worth if mainline is reasonably usable only on machines with mouse wheel and keyborad and enhancement for convertibles and mobile phones is considered unacceptable for now.


I am getting the A,A after a while outdoors, but when running e.g. page.codeberg.tpikonen.satellite I get

[18:07:41] Satellite version 0.4.1 started
[18:07:42] NMEA source "gnss-share" selected
[18:07:42] [Errno 13] Access denied

What does that mean?

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