Purism has published a new blog article.
Great to read this post, and see the progress. I enjoy reading these updates every moth. Thanks to all people who contribute to the PureOS development subscriptions!
So it looks like Pipewire, and the increased number of codecs it supports, will be a long ways away. Thankfully my main Bluetooth headphones are supported in the pulseaudio codec.
I was hoping to use some airpods I got for free for more mobile friendly noise canceling, but they need AAC. Oh well, I’ll keep using earbuds that plug in to the headphone jack
Gnu Crimson developments is being superslow. Whats going on Purism?
Please, please please bring Sebastian Krzyszkowiak ASAP for Gnu PureOS.
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak it is one native Librem 5 programmer.
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