New Post: Purism Announcing MiMi Robot Crowdfunding Campaign

Thank you for letting me know. I have pinged the MiMi crowdfunding room to ensure someone is managing this.

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I don’t think you’ve read most of the comments. Baseline is critical. That being said, general grievance threads exist already and you’d do good to stick to the more specific problems and questions of this project here.


Good to see you back. I think you might have been one of the few who actually got their refund for the Librem 5.

  1. I don’t think this crowdfunder will be funded.

  2. At least with this crowdfunder, they aren’t actually promising anything — consequently “fraud” is not really even possible AFAICT. There are no refunds. There is no promised price for the product and, if you look closely, they don’t even promise they will finish the product. Any “contributions” to the crowdfunder will only get you coupons that you can apply toward a product … if it is ever completed. And if it isn’t completed … you aren’t promised anything for your contribution.

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I got a refund for the crowdfunded Librem 5 way back in 2019, but I ended up ordering the Librem 5 USA a few years later.

I should note that … the site now says that the crowdfunder has been stopped. Specifically it ( Purism – MiMi a Crowdfunding Campaign to Make a Humanoid Robot ) says:

NOTE: We have stopped this campaign while we work on private direct interest.


So, what does this mean? They are negotiating with someone with deep pockets who may want to come in and fund this under agreed conditions?? This is just my speculation. Hopefully Purism can provide greater clarity in the near future.

As you have been keen to highlight, this project comes with risk, more risk than the Librem 5, and it may be better suited to private funding rather than crowdfunding.


I think the idea has potential, but needs more baking in the oven before it is fully refined

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