No IPv4 on wwan0

I have no IPv4 on wwan0, only IPv6. Same SIM cards on Android phone receives IPv4 from carrier with no issues. It still gets IPv6, so I can browse the Internet, but I would like to understand better what’s going on and how to restore IPv4

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Without knowing the specifics, I’m guessing this is not a device issue but rather that your service provider has moved/upgraded to using IPv6 as those come from their server and you’d need to check from them. It could be that their service recognizes L5 as being capable of IPv6 (or as a desktop computer or other such device instead of a phone, like Android) and therefore assigns plentiful IPv6 rather than limited IPv4.

I haven’t tried to do this, but in the Advanced Network Settings gui app (the name shown, package name is network-manager-gnome) there are tabs for IPv4 and IPv6 (and I’m sure there’s some terminal command too), that you can try to mess with (easy to revert if they don’t work). See, if you can prevent IPv6 use and if the service then falls back to giving you IPv4 (it may not).

Besides using different version, are there any effects or problems?

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Yes. Hotspot is not routing traffic. I did not check why exactly hotspot is not working with only IPv6 but it is in my list

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Well, in lieu of other suggestions, see if you can find something useful from network-manager-gnome settings.

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I think I found the answer from the old threads: Data mobile 4G && IPv6 - they had a similar problem.

Oh, and this may help with Hotspot: IPV6 only hotspot

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Hello @vladimirtiukhtin ,
I had the same problem, as I explained in IPV6 only hotspot. If you can, the most straightforward solution is to change ISP… Try with friends SIMs.

I thought CLATd was an issue too because my LTE often failed to reconnect, but it was linked to a USB component sleep cycle. Check this thread too, add the udev rules, then try CLATd. If it is stable and reliable, then you do not need to change ISP :slight_smile:. Waiting for your feedback !


Thanks @JR-Fi. I got some more insights on the problem. See the screenshots

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Ok, but I’m not getting any ideas just based on those. Did you try different settings and what pi-rp said (it’s known around the globe that some service providers just don’t work with L5 - you may need to switch)…?

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No, I am specifically curious about “QMI protocol error” and following “ipv6-only-allowed”. I may come to ISP with just that, but maybe there are people who knows exactly what happens

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Ok. Just for reference, that code is cellular network error code: “This cause code is used by the network to indicate that only PDP type IPv6 is allowed for the requested PDN connectivity.” (RFC 7849 - An IPv6 Profile for 3GPP Mobile Devices), but not much online about how to circumvent that - it’s just how ISP network is set up.

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This may or may not help but there is an app called 6tunnel (sudo apt-get install 6tunnel) that is for tunneling for applications that don’t speak IPv6. It supposedly can bind to any 4 or 6 address and forward to 6 or 4 address, so if you set your internet IPv6 with it, and get your hotspot to connect to 6tunnel’s IPv4 port, it might work(?) [maybe also doable with Calls too, but may be difficult toset up]. Seems like a potential workaround if nothing else fixes your problems. This would be much simpler than actual IPv6/IPv4 tunneling, if it works.

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I compiled what I found + solution in this post. Take time to read articles about 464XLAT.

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Is this a data-only SIM or have you censored out your phone number?

Are you able to check whether, with this SIM in an Android phone, it is using the same APN?

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I did not censored it, it is what it really displays. It is not a data-only SIM and yes, it works perfectly with Android and gets IPv4 too. APN settings match 100%

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So, do voice calls (incoming and/or outgoing) work with that SIM in the Librem 5?

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Yes, but there is one observation to state: I don’t hear beep-beep while calling. Total silence until recipient picks up the call

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Have you enabled VoLTE?

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I did yesterday. It made no difference to the experience

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