Overview document kill switch problems

If I try to use the kill switches they are not always functioning. I do not really see a pattern when this is happening. I already used some solutions to the problem I found in this forum, but those too are not functioning always. Is there some overview document of all the problems with kill switch and how to solve them?


What does this mean exactly, technically?


Even the symptoms are varying a lot. At the moment when I switch on the mobile/WLAN switch I have no mobile section in system preferences at all, and “no wo-fi Adapter found” message in the Wi-Fi section. I see the Wi-Fi icon indicating no signal and a small "xX in the icon bar in the top, and an icon with two arrows and a little “x”, as far as I known this indicates the missing mobile connection.

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There is a hks improvements coming via core v6.6+. Also do not gaming with all hks while device is ON to prevent bug and keep hks performance.

  • Use HKS only under a Stingray like attack.

Thank you.

Happy Free Software!

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I think there are some known software problems such that after you put the HKS in the “on” position, the software does not recognise that the device has appeared.

In that situation, what happens if you put the HKS back in the “off” position, and then try again? (I would leave a certain number of seconds between each switch position change i.e. give the software a chance to respond.)


I know that there are problems. There are also some things one can try. But none of them work reliably for me. But all “solutions” are spread all over several topics in this forum. That is the reason, why I am asking for some kind of overview.

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I guess the best review can be written by someone who regularly experiences these different problems, which seems to be you :wink:


I naively believe that if there are problems with a key selling point of a product, someone should have an overview of it.

All these variations I have written about boil down to one thing: Sometimes I can not use WI-Fi or mobile connection without restarting the phone. Only the User interface give me different feedback. I do not even know if this makes a difference regarding the underlying problem.

But I can write done some report about the different feedback I get from the GUI.

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No, contact Purism support: