Periodic Hangs and Network Issues

I also notice that the first reboot the issues still linger. I usually poweroff the phone again and leave it off for a minute or two and it seems to help.


Yeah, I think I have that same issue also. In my case, it doesn’t fully reboot and then usually ends up being off. Then I have to hold the power button on again to get it to boot. I did find out based on the guidance above that I have a SparkLAN card, because it says brcmfmac.


The corresponding issue in GitLab is probably:

For which a fix might be coming soon:


Recently, I tried leaving the wifi switch in the off position and everything worked fine for a while. I had to enable wifi briefly to do something and then I disabled it again, the internet from the cellular service went out. I’ll probably have to reboot again to get the internet working again without wifi.


I’ve tried some tricks to see if I can reduce the frequency of the hangs and network issues, but in turn I discover the device behavior is even more strange.

To test whether I end up with the hang issue I use ping to check for network connectivity. If ping ends up hanging with no output then I have the issue. I then tried running ping before I connect to my NexDock or USB-C hub (which, for me, is when the bug is triggered) to see if it would show dropped packets. To my surprise packets flowed like normal, but then all the other network issues would pop up. Firefox was still unable to load pages or get network, but ping says I still have a network connection.

Today I was trying to monitor the journal while experiencing this issue, and I received a phone call, which worked perfectly fine. I unplugged from my NexDock, finished my call with perfect connection, and returned to my NexDock with no internet on Firefox. But I have VoLTE enabled, so that means I was using the internet for the call!

This issue is weird, and I hope Crimson fixes it, whenever it is released.

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The only time it hangs for me is when I plug it into a power source while the wifi is on. If the wifi module is off it won’t hang. If it is on, it will hang every time.

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In your experience every time you plug it in to charge with the WiFi on it hangs?

Thankfully for me it is not the case; only when docking it. But I will try turning off the WiFi before I dock it and see if it helps prevent it from hanging.

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Yes, any power source.:confused:

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I have been using the hardware kill switches to turn off the modem and the Wi-Fi before plugging in to dock, and I have to say it seems to help with the network issue.