Puri.sm Down or Just Me?

Flatpak repo at https://pureos.store does not respond too.

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Social Librem One (eg Mastodon) and Chat Libre One (eg Matrix) are also both down for me. Even the Librem One start page https://librem.one/ as well as status page https://status.librem.one/ are down for me. Has been so for at least a few hours.

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Reason for last month’s downtime:

See also:

I have e-mailed support@puri.sm.

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… the e-mail has a delayed delivery notification… Anyway, Purism is aware and working, see link to the official topic-announcement below/above (Temporare site/system outage).

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Services have been restored. We apologize for this outage and appreciate your patience and support.


Can you share what was the cause of the outage, even if it was dumb or embarrassing? :sunglasses:

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Digital Ocean payment is made by company credit card and we had an agreement that the monthly payment extension request was due by the 31st, but the droplets were all turned off this morning. It appears to me that Digital Ocean had an internal miscommunication between their billing department and account operations.


Ha! Thanks, I remember another time this happened and it was a similar thing with Digital Ocean. They want their money! :sunglasses:

May I suggest DreamHost in Los Angeles, CA. I picked them 26 years ago and am still with them. Maybe they’re doing something right?


Update from Digital Ocean:

I’m writing to confirm that you are no longer suspended. We sincerely apologize for any disruption this may have caused you business. Going forward, our team has taken steps so that you will not be suspended for a similar situation.


Create another thread in Feedback.

Missed you guys yesterday!

Another source told me yesterday their AT&T provider was down in Los Angeles, wonder if the two events were related? (I’m on East coast, don’t know how far the extent went.)

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Purism’s replacement carrier is not located in Los Angeles, so I’m guessing you mean to say that your source is located there? No, there was no outage with AweSIM that I’m aware of, but it is a known user experience issue (L5 only) that you must first set the network mode to 4G Only and new transfers/activations may require a network reset or two (as the customers receive an automated text message from AT&T saying that the number won’t work). This is the user experience issue Purism was trying to mitigate during replacement carrier verification tests but deemed the problem to be less severe than extending the service outage. It can be discussed in further detail in the appropriate thread if needed.


Someone later told me there has been a turf war between AT&T and another. Some customers in L.A. were caught in the middle. No worries here, the party at the other end hadn’t received any calls for a few days. (Happened about the same time as this, just coincidence. No worries.)


Today in trying to visit the Purism website I got a warning that the security certificate may be expired. Anybody else getting that warning?

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Yes, it just expired.

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Cert expired Sun, 31 Mar 2024 20:47:56 GMT - so the warning message is valid (although I doubt very much that there is an actual security problem).

An unfortunate coincidence, coming just after the outage, although Let’s Encrypt certs only go for 3 months anyway, so there is nearly always an expiry looming.

It’s probably still the weekend in the US so I guess it will get sorted out in the next 24 hours. @JCS ?

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Sure, however this should be automated, should be monitored, and letsencrypt does email several times before expiration happens so I personally have a hard time providing much grace for something like this.

And if automation, monitoring, and responding to email notifications is too difficult then paying for longer term certificates and scheduling the maintenance should be done…

This is at least the second instance of this I’m aware of in a fairly short period of time and is extremely disappointing to see.


Right, Caddy automatically obtains and renews TLS certificates by default.


https://puri.sm now has a renewed TLS certificate.