Redundant Librem Keys

in regards to secure boot with multiple keys: the short answer is that it will not work. there are counters in use which will not match up between the two keys even though the private key is the same. the solution I am using is in the case of losing the primary key I reset the HOTP secret with the backup librem key in order to bring it into service.

Would this also mean I can’t use 1 LibremKey on 2 devices? I have a Librem 13 that I configured my LibremKey for and now that the Librem Mini arrived, I was going to use the same GPG keys and LibremKey to verify both devices.

I am using 1 librem key with multiple laptops. The only issue is that using both of them at the same time becomes tricky–not impossible though. Since NOT all subsystems in pureos/debian/etc will use the key I have to type passwords anyway.

I also have a backup librem key which will work the same but has to be ‘re-applied’ to the pureboot process in the event that I need it.

I could use both keys with both laptops but one is in a safe (for safe keeping).