Reflashing the Librem 5, Up-to-Date Tutorial

Your version of the script still defaulted to downloading the plain variant and did not have the --stable argument code implemented. It was updated to downloading the LUKS variant around June 2023 after I emailed Purism about it.

But I just reflashed luks in August with the “old” version.

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Another reason is that there are no Byzantium images for Evergreen to download on Jenkins because the build process is broken again:

Image Build [Image Builds] [Jenkins]



Poor @dos… We keep calling on him for help.



It can be! I got mine replaced a couple of months ago


If you do not mind: What did you have to do? What did it cost?


This is what they cost in May of 2024

USB board: 49.00 USD
Display: 150 USD
PCB board: 300 USD


Can you replace the USB and PC board on your own?


I don’t know, sorry :man_shrugging:


Yes (1:57):


We’re aware there are still no Jenkins builds of Byzantium, but the stable build (with --stable) is available. We’re fixing build infrastructure issues as part of the work to release Crimson.


Can you tell me how to order these? I believe I need a new USB board.

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Just contact
And then ping JCS after you send the email.


I hate to ask, but do I have to ping JCS every time I make a support request? Is there a civil period of time in which we all agree that JCS may now be pinged? I hate bothering people with my problems who should not really need to be bothered.


Maybe we should ask him what he thinks when it makes most sense?
Otherwise I would say at least 2 weeks of waiting, so Purism can also have a little delay.


No, and use your best judgment.

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I wanted to report back to everyone that I contacted support and I did not ping JCS.

Support took about 4 days to get back to me. Not too bad. The costs for a new USB board is $49.00 plus shipping.

#righttorepair, #librem5isawesome


Just noticed this. The latest storage repo Index of /librem5/images/byzantium/latest/librem5r4/luks/artifact/ timestamp is actually a year earlier than the one above it which is 2024.04 repo.
Index of /librem5/images/byzantium/2024.04/librem5r4/, this one is on May, 2024, everything else is on 2023

Is it a typo or they forgot to change it?

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I was against Purism for a while because of the scandal with product shipments. I can understand both sides, but I just thought the justification for dishonesty was not something to be supported. That said, in the tech world, there are increasingly fewer choices that aren’t trying to jam their political agendas down your throat. I remember Purism stuck to their guns with freedom of speech, and I felt like this entitled Purism to another chance from me. My expectations are tempered for sure.

That said I put my Librem 5 up because it got a bug where it would not accept input from the touch screen when unlocking luks. I just tried the flash instructions here, and it failed, BUT the phones touchscreen started working again. So thanks for this, and I guess I am glad the flashing process is broken atm.

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