Running out of memory already

I just checked my disk space again. It had been a while. And sure there was some dross hanging about. But it hardly compares to the 4Gb(!) of flatpak files in that had again amassed in the flatpak/appstream directory.
The horror, the horror!


Thanks for that. I too had noticed it last month. And looked up an old post here to remind myself of the commands to remove them.


I wish Librem 5’s camera app had an option to save directly to SD card (and will probably create a pull request for this eventually if nobody gets to it first). I tried making a symlink from Pictures to the same folder on the SD card but for some reason the camera app ignores it and saves to home folder instead.


I would try using a bind mount (see mount --bind) instead of a symlink. You will need to add the mount command as part of your startup. I think the Librem 5 uses systemd, so read up here Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/SystemdBindMountUnits


I don’t use flatpak, so I completely removed (deleted) the flatpak folders
from home/.local an from var/lib
So far, I have had no problems with the removal.
As always: Do this at your own risk :wink:

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I would use the postprocess script to move each image as it is captured and processed. That avoids mucking around with mounts or links - and also doesn’t interfere with any other app that uses
~/Pictures. You still need space on the eMMC drive for just the current photo while it is being captured and processed and before it is moved (but if your eMMC drive is that full then you have bigger problems anyway).

But, yes, the camera app should allow a setting so that the user simply directs the app to save in a non-default place.