Security: Anyone Using Security Cameras w/ L5?

I had a great security system that wasn’t tied into a cell phone. It was wireless/remote and recorded on my desktop station. Someone, I’d like to know who, improved things and it needed a cell phone and account.

Big Question:
Is there, or will there be and if so, ETA for programs that can remote access security cameras?

You don’t need the following. It’s for people getting started - like me :slight_smile:
I have reviewed many Out/In door cameras and could find none that would record, store and be available to owner who could review data remotely?


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I suppose it would depend on what protocols and ports the camera system uses for it to be accessed remotely.

This is also for anyone who is starting out, as you already have a system in place, but I have cameras from the company Lorex that has wired and wireless cameras that store its data on a local hub, with the option to view remotely through an android app. I haven’t tested out that app through waydroid just yet, but I will try it out this weekend.

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If you’d allow me to give one unasked advice:

Please do never use/install a security cam which itself is promoted to be accessible over the internet. Usually these devices open ports on the router and forward them to itself automatically via UPnP. They you can access them via the public IP-address of the router, “secured” behind some web frontend with password access. These cameras are most of the time so badly designed, it is very easy to circumvent this “protection” and unauthenticated user get access to the stream of your cam.

To make any device in your network accessible from the outside, VPN is the way to go. Best with Wireguard.



Another security camera security failure is … it is accessible over the internet because it phones home and feeds everything to a server “somewhere”. Then you are locked in permanently to having a relationship with the camera provider … and your security is only as good as theirs is … and you have to trust them.


Only as permanently as the company survives or deigns to support the device. Then your device becomes paperweight.

