Signal / Silence on GNU+Linux : A comprehensive summary | Librem 5 app

Thank you for your intervention here!

Do you know what was the original motivation to implement Signal’s protocol in Go? (janimo’s work?)

@admins Please, can you inspect flag on @nanu-c post? We need it for a clear discussion…

Thank you for the detailed explanation. Ideally if you can try to align the dbus calls to something resembling modem-manager api for sms - that should be fairly easy then to integrate into purple by Purism devs by cloning their mm-sms plugin.
The simplistic call chain used for mm is
mm_modem_messaging_create (cb) > mm_modem_messaging_create_finish > mm_sms_send
cb_dbus_signal_sms_added > mm_modem_messaging_list(cb) > mm_modem_messaging_list_finish

So in a high level it’s about putting message into a modem and asking to send it or receiving notification that new message arrived and searching for relevant sms in modem buffer.

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Checked :slight_smile:


Hello, last time, you didn’t agree with me regarding my doubts about Signal (and Open Whisper Systems). Here is an issue opened by Privacytools on their git with detailed arguments and analyses of the problem:

Warning: it is not a question of demotivating this topic, I myself am very interested in porting Signal for Librem 5, but I think it was important to argue my opinion and not to accuse without details.

There is also another application called Jami that is croos-platform (so on Linux too) formerly called “Ring”. I would be happy to know that there is a topic about it in this forum (if so, please feel free to share the link). On the Android version, I used to have bugs and battery drain and I don’t know if it has improved since.

Anyway, thank you all for your proposals, I really enjoy your help to port Signal on the Librem 5 and find this topic very interesting.


I don’t read anything here that contradicts my previous comments.

As you said, it’s off topics and there are others places on the forum to discuss about that.

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You ignore anything that says you’re wrong?

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Silence is in F-Droid, while Signal is not. With Silence, one also does not need to rely on an external server.

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There is now a website for the cross-plattform signal client Axolotl (a fork of textsecure-qml):

If you want to help to make it run on Phosh and Debian based distro lik PureOS, the issue is here:


Interesting. Any plans for a security audit?

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Yeah for sure. I’d chip in $20 for a Signal on Librem. It’s basically the only thing stopping me from buying this thing.
My music experience is also going to go to hell but whatever… I mostly listen to podcasts anymore anyway

Anyway, thanks a ton to OP for this summary!

You can vote and fund for the development of a Signal native app here:


Signal is conducting an anonymous user research survey. Let them know you want Signal to run on Librem 5.


Done, I also had some other feedback too.

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After 3,665 / 10,000 votes on Fund your app, Signal is back at the 3rd place!


Hello there,

please check out the Mobian Wiki for the latest Axolotl news regarding the Pinephone:
(Alternative Setup)

A lot is working…


For people (like me) who do not want to click on the link to just find out what Axolotl is. :upside_down_face:

Axolotl is a complete Signal client, it allows you to create a Signal account and have discussions with your contacts. Unlike the desktop Signal client, Axolotl is completely autonomous and doesn’t require you to have created an account with the official Signal application.

I’ve always been of the mind that “if I can’t be bothered to educate myself, why should you be bothered to educate me?”


Someone needs to take a chill pill.

You could have said, scroll up a few posts from 7 months ago when Axolotl was last mentioned.