Some old , same old. Phone on Fritz Again

Text sending was working yesterday.

The process:
This -thing- was put to sleep (tapped power button in) NOTE: The light at top right is out. Stays out the whole time.
Today, taped Power Button to wake. For wake up (kinda).
Sent text. Chat shows it as sent. Nothing was received.
Sent text to Me. Nothing.

Since the Notifications Power Off<Power Off just displays Librem ad again, I had to press and hold the physical button top right to power off.

Necessitated a Hot Reboot

Works now. Previous texts that showed sent to Me, did not come back. Test again after hot boot, message delivered.

WT do I need to do so I don’t have to power off the hard way? Because the right way doesn’t work any more and causes . Anyone suggesting I get a spy phone will find 10,000 fleas in their undies.

My Guess on it:
Just based on the sequences of shutting down and hot-boot after Wake-on-Tap is necessary, I think the issue has to do with sleep mode. (Hold power button in for 1 second).
As for fixing it, I don’t know if there is one, but the Hold power button down until it shuts down is not a good thing - is it?


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Considering how persistent these various issues are on your Librem 5, I suggest getting a Liberty Phone, this time with anti-interdiction services.


If I had a device with many problems, I wouldn’t be likely to throw more money at the same company.


By “Librem ad,” I’m guessing you mean the Librem 5 splash screen.

This “hang” issue is a known problem. Happens to me (and others) occasionally, too.

Apparently it’s because a process hasn’t completely stopped when we try to shut the phone down.

Note that “sleep” means something specific in Linux-speak, so you might want to clarify exactly what you mean, i.e. blank the screen by pressing the power button briefly, put in suspend mode, shut down, etc.

As with any computer, it’s not best practice, but sometimes you have to.


A post was split to a new topic: Tangent from hang on shutdown

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This occasionally happens on big Linux computers too. It’s just “normal” and somewhat sensible behaviour but, on the down side, annoying behaviour - and you don’t get a decent error message so that you know what is going on.

(On a big computer you can sometimes use Alt+whatever to bring up the console and see some indication of what the problem is. I don’t know whether that is applicable in any way to the Librem 5 but obviously it’s not solving the problem, just giving you an indication of what is going on.)


Possibly from the “Librem 5” splash screen when the L5 is docked, or if the key combo is initiated from squeekboard when the “an application is busy” message pops up and before the attempt to shut down is made? (Although from that screen, you could just kill the process from terminal or the Usage app, I guess.)

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You can’t always kill the process at all because sometimes the reason the process hasn’t terminated is because it is holding “something” inside the kernel i.e. the kernel itself is blocking the process from terminating and then stalling the shutdown because the process hasn’t gone away.

Also, the hang is often too late to use the GUI because the GUI has already gone away as part of the shutdown. That’s why you switch to the console - but I don’t know how usable that is on the Librem 5.

There is no one single culprit for this kind of hang-at-shutdown problem.

The best fix for all such problems is to be running the latest software. So probably the best option is to wait for crimson.


I tried that already because I remembered it solved the issue. Too, when doing it again it didn’t change this issue. Thanks.


I’ve never accepted it as normal and have mostly avoided it on desktops and laptops by removing problematic apps that I don’t like anyway, such as nautilus. But I have helped colleagues with nautilus induced freezes by pointing them to the “Magic SysRq key”:


That’s why I put “normal” in quotes. I mean the kernel is attempting to do the right thing and maintain integrity but it is always a bug when this happens.

I didn’t bother to mention the SysRq key because I suspect that it won’t work on the Librem 5. Have you tried that, perhaps with a USB keyboard attached?


I haven’t tried on L5 yet, hence “desktops and laptops”. After a few days of playing around, I haven’t had free time in big enough chunks to fire it up. I charged it when I got it and haven’t charged it since.

I am pleased that it boots way faster than an L 11.

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That’s not even funny.
Is that what they told Amber users (that’s what this L5 was) to wait for Byzantium?
I bought it two years ago. I’ve been 2 years with one issue after another. And reading some posts here, letting beta versions through (that’s what they are) is what causes more issues.
I get it. They don’t want to waste more time on Byzantium and are hoping they can make things work this time around with Crimson. Looking more and more like Windoze - they still don’t have DOD working right, so they too changed the name to Command Prompt. and that didn’t fix things either.

Purism’s history is rank with ‘wait for fixes’, OS versions, hardware versions, BS versions.

It costs me $1200 for this paper weight and the suggestion is out there that I buy a Liberty phone - for $2751.22 CAD as of today and what, wait for Crimson?

I may be dumb, but I’m not a idiot. Stupid, yes, for believing the ads.

IMO, there is a reason why this is a new problem. OLD HARDWARE, no support. I mean support that can fix things and not just make another paper weight to take it’s place.

I wonder. Are they still using hardware in Crimson from the old days (2017)? I hope not, for the sake of those that fall prey to the ads.

And it was working so good for a few days.

BTW, it started after a upgrade downgrade snuck in.

Damned go thing Puri doesn’t make planes, cars, chalk boards, pencils…

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Just use another spy phone part Time of your live in addition. I would have some Free Google Pixel with Graphen OS, and without Google Code.

However to have a future, for you and your forks… try to enhance that Linux one. I am fine with a Linux Computer as phone in addition to my Computers in Cloud and Online. Like have RSS, and an A.I. which solve every issue by processing Information for what i do not like to have some App, too.

But yes my Phone stuck and i have to restart it the hard way too. And i have lots of Android Phones where i can separate the power supply due to a change able battery too. And Androids have the freeze too - on L5 i just can disconnect it and do not have to wait for a full drain like on the modern Phones without accessable batteries…

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Hey Christal - thanks for chiming in.

I’m rare. I just wanted a phone able to send/receive texts w/ /w pics, and the odd phone call. That’s all. The ads never suggested these things are for hobbyists. Quite the opposite actually. They promote them as being better than the dupo spyphones except with better security. Pa-shaw!

I don’t want to have guess if ‘friends’ received my message, or pics or wonder if anyone sent a text think I’m ignoring them. They have to get to a landline and call my LL from there to ask if I can receive pictures yet. >:(

I don’t want to become a hobbyist though I admire and respect those who like to tinker. Not my bailiwick.

This is a new issue, and something causes it. I’m betting some hardware is obsolete and the update didn’t consider older phones made with older 'wares.

If I could “enhance” this thing, it would behave the way the ads suggest.

Thanks again,

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If the phone was working correctly, why would such a boondoggle appear suddenly? Is it “normal” for everyone to have this problem - suddenly?

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I am not sure whether you misunderstood my post or you have gone off in a different direction.

Please post output from lsb_release -c

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same as before, byzantium but after many unsuccessful flashing’s, we discovered that it was “Amber” so I had to backup and install Byzantium over Amber. See Time to flash is now - but how?

So, thanks to you, FranklyFlawless amarok and others, we got Byzantium on it and flashed.

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So, what I was hinting is that you could reflash again but this time flash crimson - which @FranklyFlawless may be best able to guide you to achieve (since I am still running byzantium).

crimson is based on a later release of the underlying Debian distro code base, and should contain some bugfixes which were long ago addressed in Debian but which therefore have not been addressed in PureOS (at least not on the Librem 5).

But if you were to do that then you would be flashing crimson before it is officially released, hence my actual suggestion to wait until crimson is officially released.

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