Status of Suspend for Librem 5

It has landed:

apt list --upgradable
librem5-base/byzantium 60pureos1 all [upgradable from: 59pureos1]




  1. It suspends without the warning about inactivity and soon suspend
  2. It wakes up on power-button press and is ready at the same moment
  3. It wakes up on call before the 2nd ring ton at caller side.
  4. More then once after call wake up there was the yellow exclamation mark.

Big step forward. Thank you Purism!


Yes, works very well so far! Nearly instant wake up from suspend and modem with mobile data ready within 1-2 seconds.

Huge improvement, thanks!

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Same experiance here. Really good!!! Huge improvement!

I have both tested with sms and Call. Nearly instant as already said.


Just tested this myself, very good now…I have enabled it and will continue to use it and see how it goes…great work Purism. This thing gets better every day.

Now if we could get the automatic brightness to work better we’d really be saving some juice!


This one was a different update of another package that already got deployed some time ago :wink:

I have also enabeled auto suppend now.
When the phone wakes up I’ll get notifications for connecting to nextcloud every time (contacts and files) Can I silence them somehow? I feel I have looked around in settings but havent managed to find away to do this.


@dos it works very nice. Thank you so much for your work.

Some small hiccups exist. calls once froze. I rebooted. Next time I will kill -HUP. One time after
I finished with an incoming call for which it had dropped to 2G, returned to 4G with orange exclamation mark and no data connection. HKS flip did not help. I let it suspend again, pushed the power and all returned to normal 4G with network.

But over all it is great. I will leave the suspend enabled. The small issues above will be ironed out soon I am sure.

Great work!


Another scenario: We have an incoming call. The user does not pickup because he did not have the phone with him. So we have a message for a missed call and the led blinking blue.

A minute passes and the phone suspends. The led goes out (stops blinking). If we press the power button, L5 returns from sleep and the led blinks blue again.

The question is if this is the correct thing to do. Wouldn’t be useful if the led remain on during suspend to some color. Constant, blinking whatever, so that the user gets notified that he missed a call? Maybe what I say is not possible, I do not know, but it sounds reasonable; doesn’t it?

Because the blinking led is useless when there is already a message on screen for a missed call. OK it is alerting, true, but the information is on screen. To stay lit with the screen off because of suspend it is truly offering some information.


So if this command returns an empty list, the upgrade has been installed?

Of course it’s not.

Of course it would.

Suspend is still not enabled by default, and LED notifications during suspend not being implemented yet is one of the reasons for that.


Ah, OK @dos thanks. By the way let me add that clock alarms do not work while suspended.

  1. Program a clock alarm 3 minutes ahead
  2. Let it suspend in a minute
  3. Wait 5 minutes
  4. No alarm kicks in
  5. Press power
  6. System wakes up and the alarm beeps immediately.

Well. it is now.

Yes … although if there were repo mirrors available that might not be a sound conclusion.

Well, yes. The only wake up sources you should expect to reliably work right now are the modem (calls and SMS), hardware buttons and USB-C plug/unplug. You can also use RTC, but you have to do it manually as there’s no infrastructure for apps to use it (things are changing already upstream though, see


Yes, forgetting to disable suspend has caused me to “powernap” for 1.5 hours on more than one occassion :stuck_out_tongue:


Another issue that is already probably on Purism list is this:

I run mpv on the terminal on a radio stream while connected throught mobile data. So the modem is active! But it still suspends. It should not suspend. I do not know if it suspends while in a call. Has anyone tested this?

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With the 60pureos1 upgrade the L5 has become a Master of Suspends!
(Well, almost. But it is getting there)


I tested my L5 being in suspend and called it from my company mobile. It came up imidiately, but with the exclamation mark in the network icon and without ringing. Reproducible in a 2nd call.

There is still no ringing. But I don’t think that has anything to do with the suspend mode; it was already absent before the last update.

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