The Register interviews Todd Weaver

I wouldn’t say no to a thinner device, but it’s the weight that I find more annoying. If a later version does get a soldered-in modem, I would hope that it has more international compatibility than the current ones, though.

Weight, thickness. Yes true that we are used to thinner and lighter hand held devices. But these are luxury problems.
If mobile Linux was on par with iOS or Android in terms of for example having working native all common messanger apps and having working front camera for video calls in all such apps, than this would already be much more important to make a shift from iOS and Android to Librem 5.
Honestly I still have friends that are only available on WhatsApp. I still have friends that are only available on Viber.
If all auch stuff was working, I could accept the weight and size much easier.
(I know that with proprietary apps there are factors out of control of Purism).


On the other hand, the L5 is probably the smallest and lightest full pocket computer around. :smiley:


Actually I have raised this topic several times.
Apparently in the USA you still need real phone with phone number, SMS and MMS. But for me in Europe, the modem is more like a way to access the Internet.
The video communication over the Internet is the supperior type of communication. You have video. You have encryption and it has no added costs for international calls (and in Europe we have a lot of separate countries on small area and there are still charges for international calls).
So yes, it is a hand held computer in first place. And the phone functionality is like a backward compatibility.

That’s exactly what’s going to happen soon, but only for L5USA, as it has a separate queue that’s very close to being fully cleared now. Regular L5 is produced in much higher quantities, but it also has a much longer queue and it will still take some time to clear it up.


“We’re actually going to be adding to PureOS Store, which is equivalent to Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store, where we allow for people to charge a subscription or charge for an app,” said Weaver

Developers will be able to “charge for an app” that is Free software? How? Does the PureOS store allow proprietary apps?

I think that Pure OS already is violate Free Software rules by including the Firefox, as far i know the icon of firefox it not free. : (
If Purism permit propietary code into PureOS i just left of Purism and i not support anymore Purism.

Just because it’s paid for doesn’t mean it’s proprietary. Some people can’t build or don’t want to build software and are willing to pay a little bit to not have to. Nothing wrong with that.

Whether or not it’s “financially viable” is out of scope.


No. Paid or not, it must be Free Software.


Incentivizing FLOSS software development through the Purism Store is a great idea. But I followed the “Interledger” link in the Register article and found reference to DIE (diversity, inclusion, “equity”). That is an anti-liberty, anti-individual death cult.

I am a HUGE Purism fan, but if they get infected with that plague, I’ll sell the L5 (when I get it) and keep my Pinephone (in spite of its faults).



Could you expand on this?

I have not seen that “interledger” thing before, but now that I read about it at there is this:

We are creating a single open global payment network that connects everyone. Interledger provides an open, frictionless, and currency-agnostic method for transferring very small amounts of money, typically referred to as micropayments. This open network allows anyone to transfer money across currencies and ledgers, resulting in the potential rebalancing of our global payment systems.

For me, that sounds pretty much like Monero. You don’t like it?

I’m totally on board with frictionless micropayments and cross-currency transfers… but not DIE, or ESG (its close cousin). If that’s what Interledger brings to the table, then Purism might be better off with Monero or some other cryptocurrency. I haven’t done the DIE/ESG research on Monero yet (I don’t have any), but some cryptos are infected.

There was talk of Monero back in 2018:

“Purism CEO Todd Weaver. Monero on the Librem 5!”"

I thought it made sense, Monero folks should appreciate a Librem 5 to keep their wallet on. But it seems they did not understand the point, I think they just keep using Android/iOS with some separate “hardware wallet” on the side.

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People don’t be that radical.
Librem 5 is at the end giving you control to install or not install anything you like and potentially to feed apps with mock data.
If we would not have closed source applications, we would not be where we are as money have motivated the huge growth in IT in the last 30 years. Many FOSS developers have become software developers thanks to companies producing closed source software who created jobs, created demand for software developers, trained software developers on the job. And now some of these trained software developers spend some of their time contributing to FOSS while providing for their families with developing closed source software.
Without the existence of the closed source industry, we would not have FOSS at this level either.
So don’t be fanatics. Everybody is free to decide what to install and what to not install.

Statements like “I will dump Purism if Purism makes it easy to install Firefox (a browser that many or even most users consciously want!!!)” resembles to me religious fanaticism. It is not that far away from FOSS inquisition or FOSS jihad.

Linux has to be convenient to use in order to be usable for more people and to become popular. And some closed source apps are just convenient. Also I think in some cases people can start with a convenient proprietary app and later on look for an open source alternative. So it is a step by step transition.
I think it makes sense to have 2 app stores. One completely FOSS and one that has proprietary software. So that the user is in power.

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From the article: “The next iteration, we’ll be using probably I.MX9 … that’s still probably two years away.”


Take a look @ Iam not saying that his is the solution but is the steps in the right direction. Also look at this. pay per use API’s

I have been researching and mulling over purchasing a Librem 5 USA for quite some time mainly b/c of the kill switches, made in USA and not being beholden to Apple / Android for “privacy,” however, I am a regular 'ole consumer. I use my cell phone for minimal calls, 2 factor authentication for work (Duo Mobile app), texting and periodically use maps / Yelp or other apps when traveling. I have also been considering purchasing for dual purpose as a new computer. So ultimately, my question is - Can a regular cell phone user that knows nothing about Linux (but likes the concept) be satisfied and functional w/ a Librem USA? TIA for any guidance.

In my opinion you would need to aquire at least basic Linux skills in order to live happily with a Librem 5.

If you are interested in privacy, learning how to use Linux makes sense anyways and would be well invested time as Windows and Apple process data about so much of your activity that you can hardly call them “privacy oriented” and in my opinion things are getting only worse in the last decade. Windows was not processing that much data in the past. Now you have all these “productivity” functions that know everything you do. Or security functions that also know everything you do in order to check if it is “safe”.

I don’t know your age and background and if you feel that learning Linux would be too complicated. There are courses with introduction to Linux online. For example on Udemy or something like that.
The good thing is that any course that uses Ubuntu or Debian for the introduction would be relevant for Librem 5 as Librem 5 is really like a computer in a smartphone form factor. You could use it with a docking station with keyboard, mouse and large external monitor.

You could also install PureOS for free on a Virtual Machine and play with it. Try several applications for second factor authentication and see which one you would like. Try several map applications and see which one you would like.
You can de facto try the Linux experience for free anytime.

Having said that, your use case:

  • phone calls
  • SMS
  • Second factor authentication
  • Maps
  • Internet browsing for travel information

Sound all like functions that are already available.
There are topics on the forum discussing the choice of apps for these functions.
I am not sure if anybody has already used the Librem 5 camera to scan a QR Code for the 2FA. But this will be a solvable issue. And if it is not currently available, there will still be work arounds for inputting the necessary 2FA information until someone writes the functionality.

One problem with Librem 5 is that the power usage is not as optimized as on iOS and Android yet.
This means that Librem 5 still consumes a lot of electricity and you would need to charge it more often than you are used to on your old devices.

Hope this helps you.
In general I would recommend learning Linux basics using online courses and buying a Librem 5 USA.
But of course I don’t know you and the experience might be overwhelming for some people.


Hristo -

First, WOW~ Thank you for such a thoughtful and objective response - much appreciated.

I am a 50 yo female who has NO PROBLEM doing whatever it takes to step out of the “matrix” as to navigate my life in alignment w/ my values which are honesty, integrity, freedom, autonomy and sovereignty. I have been whittling away at my “matrix” participation and a cell phone is the last major piece of connection. Just been waiting for a product that I felt could do the job. If that means learning basic Linux - then game on. I’ll do it. I appreciate the guidance in that regard.

Sincerely appreciate your response. BB