"Unable to remove xxx: no packages to remove"

Last month, I found myself needing to backup/restore my Librem 5 and tried to automate what I could. I mentioned it in this post.

yeah! now you know how to uninstall.

I am trying but I get an error: The app-gnome-music package could not be located.

and I have listed the applications to put the name right and it didn’t work even with: app-gnome-music
nor with:

neither is working for cawbird. they are the only ones I have tried since they are the only ones I want to remove.

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Sorry for taking so long to respond: I am not as active on the forum as I once was. Not a lot happening with the L5, so my interest is somewhat down.
And I am afraid this is as far as my insights go. Maybe someone else knows more.


thank you very much for your concern, I was looking and it turns out that in all the tests I was doing there was a typing error and that’s why it failed. now the solution works perfectly, thanks.

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ah, good to hear.