Watch movie from in FF gives error 6001

I’ve got an invitation from a friend for 30 day free account to watch movies at Everything works fine with FF (registration, watch trailer, etc.) but when I start a real movie it says in the browser:

Sorry something isn't right. MUBI support has been notified.
Please try:

    Checking your internet connection.
    Checking you have no browser extension installed that might block
our player.
    Upgrading you browser to one we support. (Chrome 107 and above,
Firefox 90 and above, Safari 13 and above and Edge 107 and above)

Error code:
6001 - 0

UPDATE: Same problem with the browser Web.

Needles to say, that it works fine with FF on MacOS.

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I’m guessing here, since I am not familiar with, but it may be a Widevine/DRM issue. See Widevine support in Librem 5


Are you using any privacy extensions on FF-ESR on the L5, and are they blocking a needed script perhaps?


No. It does not work with FF in my FreeBSD laptop either. It seems that the stream is somewhat encrypted (because the trailers do work, the video itself do not). And this decryption lacks some support in Linux/FreeBSD FF.


You may check the following option in the FF settings : “Play DRM content”, is it enable ?

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… if you want to insert Google into your L5.

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One thing to check off the list: is it incorrectly detecting the browser? (UserAgent or other dubious detection method.)

Also, I would complain to Support. That’s the kind of error message that I hate. Tell them to produce a decent, specific error message - so that you either can fix the problem or you know not to waste your time.

I would guess “DRM issue” too - which probably implies “don’t waste your time”.


As I wrote, I have a 30 day approval time free of charge. I will send after this is over, a cancel message to and I expect with this they will ask for the reason. I will let them know that I can’t use this service (~12 Euro per month) because it does not work on any Linux browser I use.

Will also test a recent Ubuntu.

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Generally you’re entitled to support during the free period. Waiting until after for them to have the opportunity to provide a fix that you cannot try or to hear a complaint from someone who isn’t a potential customer because they already canceled seems to me to be a less efficient path.


You are correct and I filed a message to support. The auto reply was

Wir sind dran!
Unser Support Team wird sich innerhalb von 72 Stunden zurückmelden. Vielen Dank für die Geduld in der Zwischenzeit! 

(use a translater, please)


SimplyTranslate (using the Google Translate engine):

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I did a test on the Ubuntu server of my son (Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS, FF 121). When I started the play the movie a message in FF appeared in the upper bar, saying ... need to install additional DRM components, please wait... and then the movie played fine.


That’s progress … of a sort.

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