What is the BYD touchpad like?

Thanks for the links. I’ll give it a shot. Sorry, if I overreacted, but it’s quite frustrating to live with half functioning touchpad.


Except that it’s not a GPL violation. The code was out there for everyone to see, as Hema pointed out when she finally stumbled upon this forum thread… is there any more information that you were looking for?

It’s not enough to just put source code somewhere. Users must be provided with clear instructions on how to get the source: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#SourceAndBinaryOnDifferentSites.


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I don’t even know how to check for that myself. How would you verify that? I’d love to know.

It’s not an easy task. But having the source code actually available does make it significantly more approachable.

Please refrain from making snarky remarks like that, it does not help your cause in any way, and it shows that you’re coming into the discussion with a negative bias instead of an open mind.

People have been complaining about their touchpads being almost useless on anything but PureOS at least since spring. My take on it is that had it not been for the snarky remarks, I would have had to wait for the source code for many more months.


Aliaksey, I am sorry about the inconvenience.

We are a small team of human beings not being driven by big private investments and we doing our best to get you the best freedom respecting hardware and software (that’s big task!) with our limited resources. I don’t think that we are doing too bad in that regard.

Our company is fully driven by you guys, Librem users, and we listen to your feedbacks to move forward. We have spent almost a year building a team of freedom fighters from all around the world and we are slowly, but surely improving our hardware, design and infrastructure for the public benefit as it is part of our philosophy.

Don’t hesitate to contact us individually if you have any queries or feedbacks. You will find our IRC nicknames on the about page. Also feel free to send us an email to support@ asking to talk to any member of the team.

As for the GPL violation, your feedback is very relevant and we are already talking about reorganizing our website and the dev team is also reorganizing the code and repositories (please ask Zlatan for more info about it), so we are sorry if things are not well documented right now. We are working on it.

Thanks again for your feedback!

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My take on it is that had it not been for the snarky remarks, I would have had to wait for the source code for many more months.

Except that the code was already out there in public and you would have found it if you had run a github search for it instead of looking only in one single repo. There was strictly no need to start accusing people of wrongdoing where there was none. Your snarky remarks did not speed things up, all they did was insult people trying to help you.

Developers don’t spend their days reading forums, please give them the benefit of the doubt in the future, or send them a direct email (or to support@) if you really need a direct answer and can’t afford to wait for them to stumble upon your thread in a forum.

That said, I’m hoping that you will now contribute patches or technical recommendations to help this driver improve!

That said, I’m hoping that you will now contribute patches or technical recommendations to help this driver improve!

It’s not possible to improve this driver. The reason is that all the multitouch gesture detection happens inside the hardware (unlike in other touchpads, that delegate this to the driver). And I have to say that I wasn’t satisfied at all with the quality of that gesture detection. So I had to revert back to the upstream driver that has multitouch support disabled. So those people who want reliable multitouch (even things like two finger scroll are not detected well enough not to annoy), don’t have any hope for future improvements.


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@Jeff Never wanted a force touch trackpad, just wanted to know where the pressure point is; which you have answered in the last post. To be honest I do not even have a MacBook or similar (I use an Acer Aspire E 15). And you don’t need to clone a force touch taptic feedback “magic” trackpad, really. The only reason for this thread was me thinking: “Hey those MacBook trackpads are good (the old ones too), let’s ask those guys who do these awesome laptops if their trackpad can match up”. And to further clarify my things: I am and did always talk about the pressure point of the trackpads. I was not (at least for this thread) interested in the software-side of it. Because I enjoy physically clicking on the MacBooks I took it as an example of that “it doesn’t matter where you click, it will feel the same (have the same preassure point)” feeling. I don’t know if that clarified my question but I hope so (if it was unclear). That’s all.

Thanks a lot,

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