Why Does Chat(ty?) Make 30 Copies OF Text w/ Pic? And

Why does Chat(ty?) make 30 copies of a incoming text w/ Pic?
NOTE: Chat does NOT work when attaching files (old news).

Senders Carrier is the problem?
Receivers Carrie is the problem?
Heavy sun spots?
Climate change.
No climate change?
And why does it store In/Out in random order? i.e. I can send 2 texts, later it will show them w/ different dates. If there is a weeks worth of texts, they are scattered no logical order.


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Not sure, my Librem 5 USA does not experience similar symptoms.

I think I know how to fix it, but a Priest with exorcism experience doesn’t come cheap.


Try a non-denominational reverend?

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I faced the same problem when I was with my L5 in Feb in Havana for a week or so. Chatty dialogs with a partner are not in cronological order. Here is my post from Feb:


Did you ever get a answer as to why and when the bug fix might roll out?

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Pray to Tezcatlipoca!



No, so I looked by my onw into it. Chatty stores the messages (text and MMS) in a database and one can look into it. Getting the schema of the tables:

$ printf '.schema\n' | sqlite3 ~/.purple/chatty/db/chatty-history.db
CREATE TABLE messages (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, uid TEXT NOT NULL, thread_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES threads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, sender_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id), user_alias TEXT, body TEXT NOT NULL, body_type INTEGER NOT NULL, direction INTEGER NOT NULL, time INTEGER NOT NULL, status INTEGER, encrypted INTEGER DEFAULT 0, preview_id INTEGER REFERENCES files(id), subject TEXT, UNIQUE (uid, thread_id, body, time));


and getting out the time and the body (i.e. the text of the message) with:

$ printf 'select time, sender_id, body from messages order by time\n' | sqlite3 ~/.purple/chatty/db/chatty-history.db | egrep 'digame|XXXXXX|amigo de |Ok '
1702893094|17656|Si digame
1702893355|17656|Ok mi amigo si me llamo XXXXXX
1702932830|1|Soy el amigo de XXXXX y solo quise comprobar su numero. Hasta la proxima vez. Gracias

I ordered the rows by time and so they are exactly in this order also shown wrong in Chatty, which means they have been stored with wrong epoch time in the database.

One should file a bug issue.


Weird, chatty on my L5 orders them correctly.

Hint: With SQLite browser you can manipulate that db in a GUI.
My chat(ty) version is 0.7.3
and I’m using US as locale and formatting is UK (English)

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I can’t. Not that I won’t, but I’m just a body looking to get text with pics and a few other device issues cleared up. At least I’m not alone with this issue. IMO - too many tweaks - not enough fixes.
A couple of months ago, I did see that the time was off local time by about 6 hours. I corrected that, but it made no difference.

So, how does one line up the correct “epoch time”. That’s rhetorical BTW. :innocent:

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The device isn’t smart enough, so we have to sort the database every so often so Chat/tty,ts (what ever) displays them properly! IMO That’s the job of the Devs and we are just the beta testers.

I am starting to wonder if the war to protect one’s rights to privacy is worth it. Maybe, constantly being told what I like, what I want, and what I need may not be as bad after all if texts come with a pic and I don’t need to learn coding to sort them out.

But I think it’s only fair from the cost of purchase, and time fixing, repairing, tweaking and contrary to the ad, unable to get a another battery if this tanks too soon that the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: thing works other than just 2024.

We both have the same version. and we both use proper English. :smirk:


I know how you feel. I was this close last week to buying an iPhone SE, because sometimes you just need your phone to work, instead of having to first figure out and solve 12 issues. However, after sleeping on it and receiving a kernel update, I decided against the iPhone. Maybe this update made everything better? Hope dies last.

Can you see that pic, BTW? I click the download button in the middle of it, and it always just shows a spinner, but never the pic itself.

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Maybe it is just a symptom of getting old?

When thou wast young, thou codest thyself, and programmedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall refer thee, and click whither thou wouldest not."

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Wow. I completely forgot about that option. Brought back a memory of reading here, somewhere, that contacting the support@ and they’ll give instruction on it. I’ll see if I can get that before taking the plunge.Thanks for that reminder.

No. There is a image but it just shows that as default not sent. However, if I click in one of them, it opens the images viewer and loads that pic, but that’s only if it’s one I tries to send from my folder.but don’t go anywhere.
If it;s a incoming pic, I don’t see the pic nor the text. nor any notice there was anything incoming.
But, that redoing the kernel might be the answer.


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