Your Phone is Giving Away More Than You Ever Bargained For

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The year 2007 represented a watershed moment for the modern smartphone industry as we know it.

This was the year that read more …


That seems to contradict this source of information:

@jonathon.hall, are there actually any security-hardening measures applied to the Linux kernel on Purism devices running PureOS?

It could depend on whether “hardened” means security-hardened or privacy-hardened or both. In a general context, I would assume the first.

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I did recall some blog articles from Purism mentioning about AppArmor:

There also appears to be issues with discovering and writing AppArmor security profiles in PureOS for scalability:

However, the AppArmor security profiles are located in the /etc/apparmor.d directory.

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Thank you, Irvinewade!! :slightly_smiling_face:
I liked to read it!! Just a consideration (and it’s intended to be constructive, positive, not negative in any way!! I love Purism although some critical behaviour but, at the end, I’m here reading and posting and trying to use my L5 so that’d be intended as the best proof I’m pro versus Purism, you GREAT community, my L5!)

Since L5 will not be easy-to-use, stupid-proof user, Apple and Google will continue to dominate the market. Easy! So Purism would give all efforts (=time and money) to make L5 usable as daily driver for almost everyone! When it’ll happen, I’m sure 100% that Purism will sell a looot more L5 around the world, beginning with Apple, Microsoft, Google CEOs and managers that aren’t stupids and I’m sure there are expecting to buy and use L5 to protect themselves against by spied! Add politicians, secret services,… basically all governments around the world!! After that, the oxen park!! L5 is potentially a nuclear bomb! But, at today, it’s still into warehouse! Only 1 stuff I don’t understand: why no one big company/VIP (entrepreneurs, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Trump, Biden,….) don’t donate money to support Purism to have at the top L5 for themselves! Or why Todd Weaver don’t asking money to those rich/important men to improve L5 and give them privacy and security :man_shrugging:
That’s curious for me! Also I don’t understand why Linux world communities don’t support L5!! Debian community, gnome community,… it’s in their interest to do it!
Me and us are supporting Purism buying their products and services and donations but we’re, sadly, insufficient! :worried:
Really hope that Todd will ask big amount money donation to those rich men/vip and begin to be partner with some government to use only their products!! I would do that!

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Not disagreeing with your overall points but … money always comes with strings attached. Yes, freedom-loving Elon might support the idea … but he might expect something in return. (Given that the Zuck’s business model is rampant privacy-invasion, the idea might not sit so well with him. Given that Microsoft failed to make a surviving phone product, maybe Bill Gates would back someone else in order to have another go. :wink:)