2023 Finance Report - New Product Teased?

The 2023 Finance Report shows a bunch of Purism products, including one that I do not recognize:

What is the item in the green box? Is this a potential new product?


Excellent question!

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After thorough investgation I dear to say that it is a so called “Black box” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


If I had to guess, it looks like the 20,000 mAh power bank they used to sell. It seems like an old “generic” render they have and used because the Librem 5 is labeled “Librem 5 USA”, a model they no longer sell.

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https://shop.puri.sm/ See the third option

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Regardless, the whole thing teases one or more new products:

We have new products that are on the horizon (capital determining).

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Ah, perhaps you’re right

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I would contend hat it is simply the Puri.sm logo turned on its side.


As much as I would like that black box to be the long anticipated Fir phone, I would guess they made that graphic before the Librem Liberty was released, so that is the mystery device.

I don’t think that Purism has the financing to design a new phone using a new SoC. Unlike with laptops where they can take an Intel reference design and tweek it, they have to start from scratch with a new phone design and then they have to spend months/years working on kernel support for the new hardware. PINE64 can just dump the hardware on the community and tell them to figure it out, but Purism sells its hardware at price points where its customers expect some degree of functionality, so a new phone would be an expensive undertaking.


And they didn’t have to pay the graphic designer much for that insert on that ad.


Looks like a convergence add on or even a external battery or a another Purism Phone

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My initial hope was a router, but I am thinking @gondolyr is probably right, and it’s just the power bank. Though, I can hold out some hope, because the corners on the power bank are more rounded (certainly in the shop page, but even in @gondolyr 's picture, there is a bit of rounding) than what’s in the product lineup picture. So time will tell!

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