2025: EU to implement new Entry/Exit requirements (and lots of data collection & storage)

New requirements for travel to Europe

Privacy and data security implications: Statewatch.org

Official Site: The Entry/Exit System (EES): What is the EES? - European Union and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS): What is ETIAS - European Union

I’m very much in favor of border security and national sovereignty, but the thought of all this expanded personal and biometric data collection and its storage in systems that will no doubt be breached at some point, if not repeatedly, is a huge cause for alarm.


Very bad!
But this was to be expected: the world over has gone crazy and the new global motto is Go digital! Everything digital! Economy, business, resources, services, humans, just everything that exists digitized, dematerialized and processed.
(and by the way we don’t care about security or privacy - there is no need for this in the new Big Hive where nothing should be hidden or unknown to the Powers That Rule)


This has been coming for a long time and it’s not going to get implemented soon. I’ve seen some of the equipment at airports but apparently the system dev has been delayed. Hugely complex.

I seems like something a bit better (and a bit more trusted) than what the US has had for a long time. Doesn’t make it perfect but… like was said, it’s the world we live in now.