4.15 coreboot/SeaBIOS with QubesOS

newly released SeaBIOS 4.15 ( https://source.puri.sm/firmware/releases/-/tree/master/librem_14 ) seem to crash grub when trying to boot xen(qubes-os)

rolled back to 4.14 and qubes boots again.

feel free to request more feedback as i dont know what you’d need…

i tried to obtain an account for source.puri.sm but didnt receive a mail so far… what can i do to know that the issue is aknowleged by the company/their developers? :confused:

seems there is a NVMe booting bug in SeaBIOS 1.15.0 (which was introduced in coreboot 4.15-Purism-1) which I’m working on fixing/reverting right now


So should we update again after your repairs are finished?

yes, there will be a new release to address the issue as soon as I’ve fixed/tested etc

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if you’d like to test, I just pushed version 4.15-Purism-2 for testing:

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What are the highlights of the changes and/or fixes in the newer version(s)?

posted in the changelog:


i flashed -2 today, works, posting from qubes right now.

thank you :slight_smile:

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