About 'fund-your-app'

Say what now? Is that how the current FYA page works or is it … each one of those projects should get $10 each?

I understand that I am intermixing a hypothetical from @johan-bjareholt and the actual FYA page. It’s still a valid question though.

No it’s not, see the following comment by @dean which is a quote from Todd

However, I still wonder if it is possible to “game the system”, which is why I asked the following question before:

That’s exactly the issue for me, I’m on the edge questioning whether I should donate or not because there are lots of things in that list that I don’t care about (I assume that’s the case for a lot of people since the list is so long). So it seems like an better option for me to donate to something that I’m sure where the money goes to to make better use of my money.

Agreed, but the issue here is not that I doubt that the money will be properly spent but the fact that I don’t even know what projects it will be spent on.
It’s the same reason why I would rather give money to a friend who has lost his job than to a beggar who might also have lost his job but also possibly has been a drug addict for years with little chance of getting out of that situation.

Seeing as you mention Firefox … it bugs me that they would be devoting resources to Firefox if Epiphany is already working. Honestly I would prefer Firefox to Epiphany but one working web browser is enough at this stage given that there are many other things that could be worked on. Just my 2¢.

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If you have a friend who’s struggling to write his or her own operating system, I can completely understand you withholding your funds in order to help them. Or, if Purism was writing PureOS for -your- L5, I could understand wanting to know exactly where the money goes. For the latter, PuerOS is attempting to be accessible to everyone, hence the poll asking for opinions. Think of your donation as helping people get away from the duopoly.

This also applies to helping port Firefox, @kieran, something I don’t imagine will take much work at all. You can’t appeal to the masses without options. Even apple has options for different web browsers.

@Caliga like I said, I think ‘fund your app’ as it is, is a good idea. It is a more generalised donation than what I was suggesting. Either way it’s funding development which is good.

I agree but I think it could be because to me that’s how the title reads. ‘Fund your app’ sounds specific.

nothing confusing about the title


‘to fund’ means to invest a certain amount of value into something per individual/collective interest …

‘your’ answers the question ‘who is the beneficiary ?’ and the answer is obviously YOU(WE) the reader(s)/donor(s)/interested person(s) etc.

‘app’ in this context means most of the time the GUI or the front-end that the user is interacting with at the high-level in order to make use of the functions available in software-code at the low-level. however it also means improving the firmware and the low-level code in some cases (for performance/efficiency enhancements)

I would like to fund how much battery lasts but i am confused:
What is the difference between “battery life” and “Stand by time” ?


Battery life time can be many things, including making more Phosh more energy efficient and configuring the drivers to do less polling and use more energy efficiency modes.

I assume standby mode is the ability to suspend to RAM and then the cellular modem can wake up the system when a cellular call/SMS is received. The RS9116 WiFi/Bluetooth has a similar feature of being able to wake up the system, that is not yet implemented.

You can find more info here.


I like the general idea of this but the way this is being done leaves so many questions open (which others have articulated in this thread and not been answered) that I don’t feel comfortable donating when I don’t really know what that money will be used for. The inclusion of proprietary applications doesn’t make much sense – unless that means working on Anbox, in which case there should be a way to vote for Android compatibility instead of these confusing icons for proprietary applications that Purism has no control over. The Software Optimization category is just basic expectations that the phone works. I don’t think it makes sense to include that in a poll about applications – of course everyone wants reasonable battery life and smooth UI performance.

FWIW the only application on that list that really matters to me is Signal. There is no way a Librem could replace my Android phone until I can use Signal with it.


@reC I personally think a more accurate title would have been “App Development Fund”. I just wrote and then deleted a long rant explaining what I meant in my previous post, but really, who cares? That’s not meant to be rude by the way. Everything has already been said and I’m just kind of over it.

@Be.ing At the moment it looks like there are a lot of votes for Signal which means they will probably work on it sooner rather than later even if it’s not in the top 5. I’d say it has a good chance to be in the top 5 by the end though. Just a suggestion but you could wait till it’s closer to the goal, then you’d have a more concrete idea of which apps/features will be worked on first if that is your concern.

@no-one-in-particular I’m happy with the current top 5. I’m probably going to vote for standby time. To me that is the most important thing, but I’d also love PureMaps to be running nicely.

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I think this is a particularly clever way of addressing a gnarly question. Since most of what we expect to experience on the L5 will be FOSS, there’s no clear way of measuring and achieving ROI through typical means of ascertaining where company focus should be. So by blending fund raising with a quantitative element of a survey, we address two areas of need in one fell swoop.

I don’t know if one should expect a Brave/Elementary OS type platform where one can easily pay open source maintainers or not for their apps, so in many ways, building the application environment is an act of faith. Kudos for this move. Smart.


You can’t know, maybe they will focus on just the top 5 so there’s significant money donated to a few projects that can actually accomplish a lot rather than spread it around a lot of projects but with minimal improvement. We don’t know yet how they will distribute the money.

I can’t, eighter. But! Pure Maps in No. 3 right now. The list of 3rd part apps clearly marks Pure Maps as “Fully optimized — software is fine tuned for mobile screen and touch input”. So this money definately was paid in vain. :hot_face:

Well played, Purism. Earning money for developing something that has already been finished. :flushed:

Now that’s just not logical. If there is nothing to develop, you move on to the next one on the list. The money doesn’t disappear, nor does the need to have optimized software. It’s a priority list, not a decisive “only top five are optimized” list. And that funny thing about optimized: you can always do more, do better - even with Pure Maps.

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My experience with PureMaps on PinePhone Mobian so far is that it’s very promising but certainly a long way from the finished product. Especially for things like in-car driving navigation, and searching for points of interest. There’s definitely more work to be done.

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free-sw is never finished :wink:

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That is not what I am talking about. Still you are right.
It is about information politics and credibility. Stating that something is finished on the one hand and taking money to do so on the other hand implies something different. It is just not consistent. If in real word there is still room for improvement, as @db579 wrote. Fair enough. But please communicate accordingly.
Another point to the list of misleading communication, or just “alternative facts”.

I don’t think “Fund Your App” was very well explained. It may be a case of poor communication rather than misleading communication. In other words, a variant on Hanlon’s razor.


I can only assume a WhatsApp client would be something like Pidgin with the libpurple plugin built in.