Annoying messages about charging and discharging on Qubes OS


My problem is very similar to the problem described in this topic - [L14 Battery] Constant discharge + Charge in Qubes - #41 by kate.mason . If I remember correctly, then at first the problem was absolutely identical to the problem above, but after I followed the instructions from that topic on this link Install librem-ec-acpi-dkms in Qubes ($1170) · Snippets · Snippets · GitLab the nature of the problem has changed a bit. Now the charge does not change within 95-100%, now it just freezes at 97% or 98% or 99% and then does not change, only messages constantly appear that battery charging has started or that the battery is fully charged. I am concerned about these messages, namely how they may affect the battery capacity. I am also annoyed by these endless messages about the beginning and end of charging. I am using Librem 14 with Qubes OS 4.2 . I also use the latest version of Librem-EC.

Perhaps someone can suggest something about this?

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Did you upgrade Qubes OS from 4.1 to 4.2, or did you do a full reinstall?

Yes, it was fresh install

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It may be possible to suppress notifications regarding the battery, but I do not see any documentation or threads explaining the process.

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I wrote to support and they came up with an idea that solved both my problems with notifications and with constant battery charging/discharging. I changed the value of charge_control_start_threshold to 80% and charge_control_end_threshold to 85%. Initially, I had values of 90% and 100%, respectively, After these actions, my problems were solved. As it turned out, the EC driver is not accurate enough to determine the battery charge at 100% and because of this, the problem actually arose.


I am having the issue where Power Manager sends notifications that Your Battery is charging and Your Battery is full extremely frequently.

Unlike some people in other threads with problems charging and discharging, my power supply seems to charge the battery, the system recognizes the battery, charge and discharge seem steady, and the battery tops out at 95% triggering the full notification. Upower also reports healthy battery information, so it seems the battery and power supplies are fine.

Running the command ls /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 does not display charge_control_end_threshold or charge_control_start_threshold as present. It only displays capacity, capacity_level, charge_full, charge_full_design etc.

If there is a solution that allows me to set the thresholds at ‘80’ and ‘85’ as recommended above, please advise on how to do it. If not, can anyone at least suggest a way to disable the notifications?

QubesOS version: R4.2.1
BIOS: PureBoot-Release-29
Kernel: Linux 6.1.8-PureBoot

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I see only now on closer reading that this issue may be resolved by following the guide linked earlier in this thread: Install librem-ec-acpi-dkms in Qubes ($1170) · Snippets · GitLab

I will make sure to run through this and update if it is successful. If it works, I will apologize in advance for reviving a closed thread so it can be updated as solved and closed again.

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While you are going through this procedure, you may also want to update your Librem 14’s embedded controller firmware if you have not done so already.


Thanks very much for this FranklyFlawless. I was unaware there was an update for the EC firmware. I got the new EC flashed today. I got about half way through the acpi-dkms guide the other day before I was unavoidably called away to other things.

Same behavior persists after the EC flash, which I’m not terribly surprised by. I’ll finish the previous process and update here with the results.


No joy
I just finished successfully installing this Install librem-ec-acpi-dkms as well as having updated the EC firmware. The charge_control_start_threshold now reads 80 and charge_control_end_threshold reads 85, but I’m still getting the constant Your Battery is charging and Your Battery is full messages every few minutes when the power supply cable is plugged in.

Any other ideas, or am I just going to have to live with it as is?

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You can check if the connection of the power supply cable is securely plugged into the Librem 14, otherwise I suggest to contact Purism support or try reaching out to @kate.mason here or on the Qubes OS Forum.

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