Anyone interested in my Librem 5 spot?

I have decided that I won’t be proceeding with mt Librem 5 purchase purely because my current phone has now given up the ghost and I can’t wait any longer and I won’t need another phone when Purism get going again.

I originally emailed Purism telling of my intention to get a refund and have yet to hear back (it was just a couple of days). But then I thought that perhaps someone may benefit from my spot. I ordered Sept 2019 for I’m pretty sure was $699. I’d have to double check that, but pretty sure. I’m not looking to profit so whatever I paid is what I’d want.

This may help someone come up in the queue by a couple of years, and save some money. My understanding is that Purism have assisted in this process with others so, if there is someone interested let’s see.


Yes, I’d like to take you up on that offer!
How do we proceed?

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Yeah I’d love to know how it goes for you, as I might be interested in doing this in the future. I’m specifically curious on how the new owner can be sure they’ll get the phone when it’s ready to ship if Purism just has the original owner’s information.