[App] Radio - Goodvibes [with channel list]

Hi !

A lot is easier with music, so I installed the Goodvibes app …

apt install goodvibes

and added a few stations. But now, the list is a little bit bigger :slight_smile: … there are now over 50 channels from Germany in it. If you want to use the list, you can download it under


and copy it to:


If you want add your own - take a look on this page:


Have fun !


I updated/fix the [German] sender list ! :slight_smile:


1 Like

Good news !

The developer of the app Goodvibes has release a new version. Now the App is stable and run awesome on L5 - without crashes !

this is fixed in version 0.7.2 of Goovibes, available from Flathub [1] or from my personal Debian repo [2].
[1] https://flathub.org/apps/details/io.gitlab.Goodvibes
[2] https://goodvibes.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#debian-logo-debian



How do I install this from flathub.org?

I installed it over flatpak

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo


sudo flatpak install goodvibes

Thank you!

How could I get this station into the playlist:


(this is the URL I’m using in FF to listen to the news channel)

You have to search for streaming URLs … :slight_smile:

Here for DLF

Thanks. Can I insert such URI with vim into some playlist?

In this case under:


I do not have such file:

purism@pureos:~$ find .var

btw: the dir name ~/.var is a bit anormal :slight_smile:


Create the stations.xml under


Typical entry
<Station> <uri>https://st01.sslstream.dlf.de/dlf/01/high/aac/stream.aac</uri> <name>Deutschlandfunk</name> </Station>

Edit: You need to create a tag around the station
<Stations> .... </Stations>

You can also create your first entry in the app, the file stations.xml will be created automatically

Thank you, I have another one for you:

    <name>Radio Reloj Cuba</name>

Since today the app PureOS Store crashes with error messages which could be related to this, see: App PureOS Store crashes after OS update

Hi !

I updated the german stations list for goodvibes again.

You can download it here: https://www.cais.de/stations.xml

I updated the list again and fixed a few broken urls.

You can download it here: https://www.cais.de/stations.xml

I have another one for you, my favorite one:


Thanks @guru

I just want to maintain a list of official mainstream radio stations and keep updating it.

You are welcome to post your radio stations or publish your own list here. That would be an added value for everyone.

What exactly are the “official mainstream radio stations” and what is my proposal one for a beast?


I guess in most countries, radio frequency transmission (and spectrum) is controlled by the government and a radio station requires a licence from the government to operate.

So an internet radio station is “official” if it corresponds to a radio frequency radio station.

Or maybe “official” is in the wrong place in the sentence and it should be “official list of radio stations” … in the sense that there’s no point everybody independently maintaining a list if one person or group can maintain a list and then get that included within the relevant distro or distros.
