Ask me any app - I will show it

You are right, Signal desktop currently only supports amd64, but not armhf/arm64 ( or i386 (, but it still should work in the mentioned qemu environment, if the system has been compiled for amd64.

Thank you for doing this. What about Brave browser, Bitwarden password manager and Authy passcode generator?

It’s nice to see some apps running on future OS that will be shipped on librem 5. What about showing us anki? Thanks!

How about the Signal message app since I believe it is on Mint os? That would be nice to have. I am on Samsung tablet so don’t have the link. If needed let me know and it will get.

Last I checked, the Signal Desktop clients still require an Android or iOS client to function. The desktop clients are thus not fully standalone. In principle, you could install it on the Librem 5 (assuming there is an ARM version?), and if you first sync it with an Android/iOS client, then you could use it on the Librem 5. But it would be dependent on the Android/iOS phone, and also, I don’t think the UI would scale properly for the Librem 5 screen.

Thanks for the followup. Too bad! I just assumed it was a linux based rewritten for desk top. Very bad to asume. I should have checked first.

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You will find more informations about it here:

@dcz / @joao.azevedo

Can we please close this thread. There are real phones in the meanwhile, so I don’t see much sense in testing apps from the qemu image anymore.

we will close this

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