Asynchronous Workspaces

It doesn’t seem like there is a solution for this in Gnome, but thought I’d ask anyhow. So I have 2 monitors: laptop and external. Use Workspaces on both. But there seems to be no way to switch Workspaces on one monitor w/out switching them on the second. Or does someone know a solution? BTW, I know I can keep one static and just have one switch workspaces, but that’s not what I want.

Don’t have a second monitor handy to test this at the moment, but have you tried using GNOME Tweaks (install it if you don’t already have it), going to the “Workspaces” section, and choosing “Workspaces on primary display only”? That treats additional displays as separate workspaces, so it won’t work if you want multiple workspaces on both displays, but it would let you switch around Workspaces on your laptop while keeping the monitor static.

Yeah, like I implied, I know about making one monitor static. Actually if I could just make the primary static then I’d be alright. Trying to figure out which config files are changed when I enable workspaces just for primary. Maybe I can edit the file so that I can enable workspaces just for secondary.

Sorry, I completely misread your last sentence. In that case, yeah, I’m not sure GNOME currently supports that behavior by default.

If anyone finds this I would be super happy as well. Coming from Awesome WM it’s one of the things I miss the most!