Backlog on laptops, how much we talkin' here?

Hello all,

Used to be a happy owner of Librem14s, nowadays looking to purchase from Purism again.

But having some confusion… the 14 is backlogged the site states, I see some relatively recent discussion on other laptop numbers but they are not listed as options on the product site…

So, is the Librem14 the sole laptop being sold currently? And what is the backlog period like?

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The Librem 14 is the only laptop currently sold new by Purism.

The librem 13 and 15 have beeen out of production for years.

The Librem 16 is or was under development.


All other statements are accurate.

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That was a couple of months ago. I did write is or was and I stand by that staement.



As a Purism customer living halfway across the continent from Purism SPC, I can tell you that I ordered two Liberty Phone orders at different times:

  • one was backlogged and shipped in 5 months
  • one was not “backlogged” and shipped in 1.5 months (or faster depending how you measure)

This is purely anecdotal, but maybe useful to you?

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The only way of pursuing that enquiry is by asking Purism directly. That is not something that random community members can commit on, for sure, and might not be something that they could comment on anecdotally. So `’ But I’ll tag @JCS in case he can expedite an answer for you.

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Also correct.

The Librem 16 is in active development, and is considered a successor to the Librem 15. A Librem 14 version 2 is also in planning stages.

We currently estimate new Librem 14 fulfillment in March.


Yee hah! That’s great news.

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A post was split to a new topic: Librem 14 v2 wishlist