Please add for L14 v2:
Intel i9
Developer keyboard
Developer monitor
Developer case
Developer PCB.
Full Free Software compatible.
Premium electronics
Purism L14 v2 stickers
Purism L14 v2 t-shirts
Please add for L14 v2:
Intel i9
Developer keyboard
Developer monitor
Developer case
Developer PCB.
Full Free Software compatible.
Premium electronics
Purism L14 v2 stickers
Purism L14 v2 t-shirts
My biggest wish for the Librem 14 would be to have a better keyboard with wider shift buttons on the right side. I constantly hit the wrong button when I want to type a capital letter and try to use the shift button with my right hand.
For me, the current keyboard configuration is a dealbreaker. It’s not practical for daily use.
They need to finally fix the hinges.
I support this. I’ve been using my librem 14 a lot and essentially trained myself to type in a weird or different way, as if always dodging a hole in where I expected keys to be. ( I just use left shift when right shift would’ve been better in my historic home row usage. ) For me that was because I simply decided I would use the Librem 14 and so I went with it.
But why? Why is the right shift in such an unusual place? I can’t quite picture where it should be after using this weird one long enough, but I still know that it’s wrong. Let’s put it in the right place in the next version of the keyboard, and then forget about it.
This sounds subtle, but I mostly like almost everything about the Librem 14 and remember even when I got it that this 1 thing stuck out to me as being “wrong by design.”
I have the same issue with the keyboard. It is not as much of a problem now, after using for a while. What got me over it was to play a particular game that requires you to regularly type Capitol letters, & play it a L.O.T., so that you re-train your fingers. You have to stay on the one keyboard for long enough, and it will eventually get “built in” so to speak. for me slashem-sdl was the trick.
I manage now to work around it and hardly notice anymore. And, I regularly switch between 3 different laptop keyboards and a full-sized usb keyboard. The human body is amazing, and all computers s**k (by which I mean all require various amounts of “getting used to”).
However, I agee, this is a lot of workaround, and there is another alternative, you could just use xmodmap to swap the page-up and shift key functionality. I would have done that, but I worked it out the other way first.
my laptop lost network in the middle of the post, so to add, here is a ewe tewb that shows how to do the xmodmap and swap your pgup and shift_R keys, which also boils down to him explaining this archwiki post: Keyboard input - ArchWiki
I agree, unfortunately not quite right by design, and I do not usually like to point it out, but mac has a history of investing more in design overall, so it is no surprise to find a better example in their small keyboard, for the ipad. I think the key is they keep both the up and down arrow keys on the same line as the space-bar, so they are half sized, and the shift key can then take up the spot where most people have become accustomed to, and feels more natural, in more of the overall cases(maybe IMNSHO).
But then it makes you wonder, since Purism did not do this, is it possible that this design is patented? Maybe Purism was fighting the government itself just to make a freedom device, and it forced them to be different.
I don’t know if this is the case or not, I’m just doing some uninformed speculating. But if something like that happened, I think I would rather to force myself to use the Purism than to use a dumb evil one. For what it’s worth, I used to use a dumb Microsoft surface that had the same compressed up/down, so if it is a patented design then Microsoft is probably paying Apple the extortion fee for access.