Banking app availability

Will I be able to download my Truist banking app on the Librem 5?

it if uses android? probably not, though someone more knowledgeable will surely answer


Truist Mobile only supports Android and iOS, but the website itself can be utilized for online banking.


Thank you for your help :+1:

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Before you mark my post as a solution, I suggest trying out the website to see if it actually works for you first.

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Thank you sir

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The first places I generally check are:

  1. Does a particular app/service provide a Progressive Web App on their website? (check with Epiphany and Firefox, etc, to compare performance)
  2. Is the app reasonably functional/performant when running within WayDroid? (features such as mobile check cashing will not work because, as of right now, there’s no camera passthrough supported in WayDroid)

As the large average of humans use a smartphone fro privacy and minutely communication to other humans. Try to use for banking some up to date Linux Hardware with another third party authentication (like a phone) and another device to create the TAN. Like a TAN-GENERATOR which is not your phone or usual device.