Baseband separation of L5 may protect it from potential 5G flaws?

Security researchers are coming out with all kinds of new and interesting ways to raise heart beats of device owners and organizations. This time the curious part related to us is that the culprit is described to be baseband processors, which L5 has smartly separated. Just wondering, if L5 ever gets 5G modem, can it already put a notch on its belt for this? :slight_smile:
See (news): Hackers could spy on cell phone users by abusing 5G baseband flaws, researchers say | TechCrunch
See (research):
See (tool): GitHub - SyNSec-den/5GBaseChecker

Just more of a “nice to know” thing that actually doesn’t affect us/L5 but confirms that baseband separation was a smart thing.


Maybe but my impression is that most of the attacks are independent of separation.

The key point is:

able to trick phones with those vulnerable 5G basebands into connecting to a fake base station

That opens up any phone to surveillance of call and text metadata and the injection of fake calls and texts and the surveillance of call and text content.

The article also says:

directing the victim’s phone to a malicious website, the hacker could trick the victim into providing their credentials on a fake Gmail or Facebook login page, for example

which seems a doubtful claim. Yes, malicious direction is always possible in this scenario but the host should detect an incorrect certificate. For sure, any insecure sessions (using any protocol, with any host on the internet) can be surveilled and can be tampered with.

One thing that I wondered about is whether the typical affected baseband processor supports FOTA and, if so, whether that can be compromised by this vulnerability - because that would open up a whole extra load of nasties.


I went looking for more info but ended up in rabbithole that led to a trove of sec research on phone network securtity, including several about basebands: GitHub - onehouwong/Cellular-Security-Papers: A collection of academic papers / Git repos / conference talks / frameworks / tools related to cellular security and privacy.

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