Battery percentage on phosh

Librem software on other hardware, not the other way around.

Anyway, those of you with L5s or anyone who has used phosh before: I have a pinephone with manjaro-phosh. Is there a way to get the battery percentage to show in the top bar? I tried gnome-tweaks, but have learned that doesn’t work with phosh. I also tried dconf-editor, but it had no effect. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I would prefer it on the lock screen. (I can’t think of any credible privacy or security issues with that but obviously it means that the information is available to an unauthenticated user.)

I would certainly be open to replacing the battery icon in the top bar with XY%
That would have to be the non-default option since it is inherently ambiguous.


I changed the category to reflect that.

It’s Manjaro, not PureOS (not even Debian), but whatever.

It’s Phosh, which is in some sense a part of (mobile) PureOS.

It’s really not, but enough hijacking.

So back to the topic: does anyone know how to get the battery percentage to show in phosh? It can be done easily in Gnome, but those methods don’t work in phosh (at least the two I tried didn’t).

It is “not in the status bar but it” is within quick settings (as we know that already). Otherwise this might be useful to read through, be aware of:

Above link provided (isn’t recommendation) while thinking that under phosh (as complete environment) editing (if my wording adequate) of extensions, located per-user in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/gnome-overrides-migrated and /usr/libexec/, isn’t self-explanatory (not to me, sorry cannot really help with).

Besides there exist librem5-tweaks, pinephone-tweaks, phosh-mobile-tweaks, etc. all based on:

Anyway, perhaps installing of wmbattery helps (small) by executing it within terminal:
$ wmbattery (I like this small icon/app) while suits the purpose (as well).

P.S. Your thread reminds me (somehow) of: that Phosh brings with it.