Beginner’s first steps

Install and use GNOME Tweaks to hard-set dark theme.

P.S. If you have your home page set to “Blank Page,” it’s going to be white. Designate a “custom” home page or “most visited sites,” if you want to avoid white.

Or set it to start in “Incognito mode.” That will be dark.

I tried that but I have no clue how to set the custom page as a dark background.

If you first activate Adwaita-dark in the Tweaks app, then set a custom home page, e.g. DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Searx, etc., the home page will display dark. See the last image in the tutorial I linked earlier.

Custom homepage (Startpage, then DDG):

Using Most Visited Pages as home page:

Starting in Incognito Mode:

All dark.
But setting your home page to “Blank Page” is going to be white.

I just set the custom home page with the DuckDuckGo address and this works.
Thank you again!

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Ok, so I installed the screenshot app.
With it also other bagage: icon browser,screen recorder, Contact import.
How can I delete those? Tried the usual sudo apt purge and also autoremove but no can do!!

Looks like they only install as a bundle, not individually. (@Kyle_Rankin built (EDIT: a part of ) that, I believe, so maybe he can advise whether they’re individually uninstallable or not.) If the extra utilities bother you, you can uninstall librem5-goodies to get rid of them all.

If you still want a screenshot app, an alternate is shown here:

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How to uninstall librem5 goodies? The uninstall button is not activating the uninstall process.
Sudo apt purge is not recognising the the installed screenshot app. What is the correct coding?
As always thank you very much.

Did you try sudo apt purge librem5-goodies?

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I did but added a “-“ between Librem and the 5 :slightly_frowning_face:
Your way worked, thank you!! :+1:t2:

… which is a minor annoyance.

Explain please how to download the Gnome-screenshot app, when you have the time of course!
Thank you :pray:

  1. Search for it in the store app (by typing in “screenshot”), find it within any results, install it.
  2. Install it from the command line. If you’re unsure of the exact package name, you can do an apt search to try and find it using a keyword, i.e. apt search screenshot. (Hint: GNOME packages frequently start with “gnome-” followed by a descriptive name.)

Note that in the store, GNOME apps don’t always show the “gnome-” in the display name.

How to install gnome screenshot.

  1. Open the Terminal (Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + T) 2. Type the following command: sudo apt-get update 3. Press Enter or Return and type in your password 4. Type the following command: sudo apt-get install gnome-screenshot 5. Type Y and press Enter or Return To change the default file type to jpg:

Will this work?

Use sudo apt update (without the -get; apt is the “new and improved” way for some time now:

If any updates available: sudo apt upgrade or sudo apt full-upgrade (

Then sudo apt install gnome-screenshot.

Unless you don’t want to do it.

Funny :smile:, it is working!

The screenshot app I wrote is just a simple shell script and .desktop file, and you can download them individually here:

Make the script executable and put it somewhere in your path and put the desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ The script relies on grim, yad and libnotify-bin packages.


The next and last question for you is the following:
Is it possible to erase any one of the default apps that are part of the system? As an example, take the weather app. Can this be erased? Or maybe I should ask, are the apps individually uploaded without connection to other apps and vital system files?
Thank you.

Shouldn’t be a problem. You can do a “dry run” to check prior to doing it:

There are some apps you should probably avoid uninstalling if you still want a working phone and computer. :wink:

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Thank you so much! Dannyda has a good set of commands that I will print out and use probably often!
Amarok, as promised, you have been my source of information when I needed help!! But time has come to peddle on my own and find my own way.
You are the best!!:+1:t2::+1:t2:
THANK YOU :pray:


I would make a corollary to that: For “beginner’s first steps” you shouldn’t be uninstalling anything.

It is easier to break a phone than to fix it.

I would also learn how to image the phone’s internal drive before uninstalling things. That way if you do break something, all you have to do is restore the last known good image.