In reference to the blog post, Belt and Braces: Introducing Faraday Sleeves and Bags from SLNT, note that there are two presumably misspelled occurrences of the partner company, SLNT. SNLT is written instead. Someone who is an SNL fan maybe? @Kyle_Rankin
Great to see Purism offering these.
And the products can withstand EMP ? Could you please specify and eleborate on that @Kyle_Rankin ? Any test reports? Please provide the additional information, I’m sure in these times people will be motivated to read it when even H.E.M.P. is considered by the powers that be.
Now, some inexpensive, official, silicone protective cases, please, @Kyle_Rankin!
Take my money!
I agree. I welcome that Purism offers some high quality protections, but the truth is, that I want my Librem 5 to be online for receiving calls and messages while staying covered. Actually I was looking for a laptop backpack for some time now as my messenger bag fill’s up.
I have also made bad experience with sleeves. The phone can easily slip through your fingers and fall down, At least that happened to me multiple times with a non-librem5 phone. Generally the phone only protected during transportation but not at use when you take it out the sleeve, I made better experience with covers that are made of rubber or silicon or a similar flexible material and the display unprotected. Yes this may be a weak point. Personally I never experienced that a phone fall on a corner or so that the display is attacked. The back is made of plastic and could even include a fold-able stand! I should be payed attention to let the openings for the plugs of the charging and audio cables big enough, because not all cables are that thin. And another weak point in the long run can be the point of silicon above the USB-C socket because the thinnest point. But even if it can’t be made stronger when designing the case. It is much cheaper to replace the case than the phone.
And regarding the backpacks, these two would be more interesting to me:
That is because they have one respective two bags on the side, where I hope to put a bottle of water of a compact umbrella in. This way I can quickly access them when needed and safe the backpack’s inner space for things that need more protection.
Also I wounder why backpack manufacturers did not respond to the raise of smartphones and attach smartphone bags onto the belts of their bags and backpacks. That"s really rare and some aren’t even big enough for the average smartphone of today and even if, then there is probably other criteria not meeting your needs. Such a smartphone bag at the belt give you quick access to the device to answer calls or messages, for navigation or whatever. Of course such a bag would give quick access also to thieves. Buyers should be aware of this. And there are anti-theft techniques that could be build in.
P.S. Sadly SLNT doesn’t provide much information and pictures to really determine if a bottle of 1L or so can be places in the side bags. And I would also like better pictures of the inner of the backpacks in inserts.
A search for “SLNT EMP” turned up this page on their site:
I have my doubts that these have been tested against actual nuclear and non-nuclear EMP weapons. I don’t think those would be easy to lay your hands on for testing purposes but I admit I didn’t check on Amazon. Who knows maybe
offers a testing service against non-nuclear EMP, with the right connections.
There’s also the small matter than in an actual EMP attack most of the infrastructure could be disabled - so you could end up with a working phone with nothing to connect to (and no ongoing source of power unless you provide your own and protected that too). Anyone have a house-sized Faraday bag?