Bitcoin donation to Purism

Is it possible to make donation to Purism in Bitcoin directly without using Coinbase?

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No, not as far as I know: I have never seen any public cryptocurrency wallet address mentioned from Purism.

They don’t even take paypal only credit cards, I’d expect less.

via LN would be great.

Lightning node?

lightning network, but yes better if purism uses their own node to do so.

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I have confirmed that YES, it is possible to donate directly to Purism without using Coinbase. However, I do not know the wallet address. Pinging @goran-stevanovic to provide it.

…and FYI for those who don’t mind using Coinbase:

Donating with cryptocurrencies using Coinbase

Navigate to the donations page in the storefront. You can make donations in (USD$5 for me) increments. Add however much you want to your cart, then go to checkout. Underneath shipping/payment/account information fields that will need to be filled out, you’ll find payment option radio buttons; click the “Cryptocurrency” radio button, accept the terms, and select “Proceed to Coinbase” to complete the transaction.

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Our wallet address is not always the same, so please contact us at and we’ll provide the current address for the requested cryptocurrency.


That might be useful to have in the donation product description.


that could be a LN-URL address: What Is LN-URL And How Does It Work? - The Bitcoin Manual
stop being a boomer company.