I’ve used Linux before, and have a technical background (in hardware), but when it comes to shell commands, I’m definitely a n00b. I would love to have the option to format the HDD/SSD to BTRFS during the install of PureOS. It has a lot of advantages that make it really compelling especially when using multiple hard drives.
With that being said, it is not currently an option, but I would like to set up an install onto BTRFS, and would appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction. Ideally I would like to use LUKS as well in a way that doesn’t diminish the advantages of using this filesystem, which throws another loop into the shell commands that I know will be a pain to figure out.
I am getting familiar right now with the associated commands, but it feels discouraging that there is such a big learning curve to just get the distro completely installed onto this filesystem. At least if I knew how to get up and running, I could learn how to play around with it more easily.
Is it advisable to have /boot in EXT4 like I’ve seen most other solutions, or could I potentially make it uniform the whole way through so I could extend it’s advantages all the way down to the entire operating system?