Camera development progress

What’s with the landscape orientation?! (Who needs portrait anyway?)


From what I’ve seen, portrait mode is very popular with Joe & Jane Public for making bad videos that should have been done in landscape mode.


Id’ like the integrated version of that, please. I would like to have it on the camera end but I’ll take both, if possible. At the moment I get a rather annoying .dng with every picture which eats a lot of space - having a setup that produces several different sizes at once shouldn’t be too difficult (but I’d also prefer to have some say if I could have them saved in different folders or something… full, small, tiny, jpg or dng). Several ways to implement.

So, its by popular demand, then. :wink:

For some it’s annoying, for others it serves a purpose, but either way … you can create a custom postprocess script and delete the .dng file and/or create all the extra resolution copies and arrange all the copies in folders as you see fit. All of that.

However, note the warning above from @‍tomoqv that mogrify (or similar command) is quite slow in this context and if you were creating multiple resolutions, it would be even slower.

If you are prepared to compromise on photo resolution, it may be faster to capture images from the rear camera at less than full res (i.e. less than 13 Mpx), which should make creating the even lower resolution copies faster - but I haven’t played around with that.

An added complication is that, as far as I am aware, mogrify can only resize based on resolution, not on the size of the resulting file. The latter is more likely to be relevant if your concern is the speed or cost of upload.


All true and noted, but I am not looking to do additional steps, a workaround (besides, my preferred method is to use Shotwell to change size but also fix crop etc. while checking the pic) - the point was to note that such integrated feature to the camera app is useful and needed (even though it may not yet be a priority for a while).

That’s what happens already. JPEGs are stored as 3.3 megapixel images; you can still retrieve full resolution capture from DNGs.


Ow! You can get landscape oriented photo’s, if you switch off auto rotation. Neat feature!


Yep, just keep in mind to not turn auto rotation off when you are holding your device already in landscape mode (else your screen will always stay 90° wrong). :sweat_smile:

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some speed already now in Librem 5, so now the librem 5 is experimenting 10% faster on image processing…all credit to Purism.


Hello all, in the past, I have installed the app called Camera (Dev Preview), if I don’t mistake = Millipixels.

I don’t remember if the installation removed automatically Megapixels or if I removed it manually, but I just would like to know what is the current official Camera app for the Librem 5 please ?
For example, for Decoder (the QR code scanner app), the app could not open the camera, so I wonder if I mistaken to remove Megapixels or not.

Thank you very much !

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Btw, Camera (Dev Preview) has support for QR code scanning. Just point it to a QR code and you’ll see a blue rectangle and a copy button.


Nice I didn’t know, thank you very much for this tip !

Megapixels was from the “amber” repo, so assuming you reflashed to “byzantium” at some point, all your data and apps, including Megapixels, would have been wiped then, and the new byzantium selection of default apps, including Camera (Dev Preview), based on Millipixels, would have been installed.

The current version, at least the one shown in “my” PureOS Software app, is 0.17.0. (Unless there’s some cutting edge version out there that has not yet made it to the Software app; I have only installed what is available in the Software app.)

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There was some time where megapixels was in byzantium. It was switched to be called millipixels and given a new icon(while in byzantium). I don’t recall, but wouldn’t be surprised if megapixels was auto removed with that switch.

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The camera app works quite nicely already, a few things that need attention from a user perspective are.

  1. most shots are taken in landscape mode not portrait mode, so the landscape functionality of preview could be improved (L5 full landscape view that is).
  2. even though colour, white balance corrections apply, in general there seems to be tendency of blue tinge that could be offset or mitigated somehow
  3. if no lighting is available it indicates torch, but doesn’t automatically turn on the torch, it would be nice if torch is activated automatically (or have a setting that allows for it to be turned on automatically)
  4. once L5 torch is used a whole new colour correction matrix would need to apply and be added to the settings
  5. after all that and maybe before 3. it would be nice to have select touch to focus option, so it re-focuses on an area a user selects with their finger, and or mouse

The QR function scanning is awesome and I have used it a few times, one problem if Firefox isn’t already running it takes a long time for anything to show and the firefox url link to load and open, could there be some pre-load functionality where (once a QR code is detected and Firefox is not running) it automatically stars in the background, or pre-loads some of the app into memory (without yet submitting any data online_?


Full disclosure: I’m a professional photographer, and developed these test photos using Capture One (a high-end raw processor).

I absolutely love the Librem 5’s manual camera controls, and the fact that it can deliver raw files. This is a decently capable camera for a phone, and I’m excited to see what the capable dev folks at Purism, and beyond, will do with this amazing device.

@Purism, please keep the manual controls available, and the option of taking raw .dng files instead of .jpeg or other lossy compression formats!

Keep up the great work!!


So it’s a bit cold then? :slight_smile:

@dcz ?


Wow, these pictures are wonderful! Thanks.


Another camera milestone! They made video calling with dino possible on a Librem 5 (caveat: more as a very early prototype and with bad quality yet but it works!)