Cannot sign into Librem.One on the Librem 5

Can’t sign in via Settings > Online Accounts > Librem One

When signing in, the following message is shown: "Error connecting to Librem One: TLS connection closed unexpectedly.


Use the post I responded to you with earlier.

Alternatively, try the Matrix chat room.

ID: !

I did not found my answer on the help page sir. So, I sent a question regarding it, and the problem I’m having.

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Let us know whenever Purism support responds with a solution, so others experiencing the same issue may be able to benefit as well.

So, in addition to the message, I am unable to sign into Google accounts via the Online Accounts. Furthermore, I get the message that the browser may be insecure.

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That sounds like an incorrect date/time issue. Can you confirm that your date/time is synchronized?

I have just tested using Online Accounts, and I do not experience any issues like yours.

It’s set to the correct time and timezone with automatic, maybe if I try with manual?

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Sure, also perform a few other commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
lsb_release -a

No LSB Modules are available.
Distributor ID: PureOS
Description: PureOS 10 (Byzantium)
Release: 10
Codename: Byzantium

Everything apt is updated and upgraded

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I have a few more questions:

  • Did you change your DNS settings/servers?
  • Are you using a stable Ethernet/Wi-Fi connection?

Also, if you can show me what happens when you attempt to sign into Google with Online Accounts using gnome-screenshot, I may be able to gleam more information.

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I did want to note that this is on the Librem 5

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No change to DNS settings, only think that may be it is that I had turned off my metered network preferences, so it would treat mobile data as unmetered. Mobile data is unlimited on my SIM… But I did get it to sign in partially earlier at the office. But cancelled signing in due to my needing a 2FA method that I didn’t have on hand at the time.

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What happens when you sign into the Librem One website?

Able to log in

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So then your eligible services are Librem Chat and Social.

Did you have a particular reason to sign in to Librem One using Online Accounts?

No, but I did with Google… I got further with Geary at logging into Google Accounts than I did with Online Accounts…

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Had this dumb thought of “I have an account, why don’t I sign in?”…

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The exact same issue on my side.
Unable to login in Librem One account from settings page.
TLS connection closed unexpectedly
I am able to login to Google account from the same page.
I am able to login in my Librem One account on the website.


Same story here. Still waiting on the announcement of upgrades to Librem One so we can pay for more features. Maybe that will fix it?

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