Can't Reach Repos

Are the pureos repos down for anyone else but me? Pretty much anything after sudo apt install or sudo-apt get install leads to errors like "unable to connect to… Last night while I was trying to update and install some software, the errors didn’t show the letter after main in the path. So with incorrect path, that appeared to be an obvious reason for failing to reach the repos. But now, the letter is in the path and I still can’t reach the repos from a terminal.

[Update ‐ Solved] I just figured it out, and this is weird. Somehow, my wifi connection jumped to a neighbor’s guest network. Somehow that network let me connect, but apparently with an impaired connection status. I moved back to my own wifi network and that fixed the issue. I have noticed that the wifi connection on the L5 arbitrarily picks a connection. It accidententally jumped to my vpn network and my Pandora account quit working until I moved the L5 wifi back to the non-vpn network.

Also, anyone know how to get a TAB key on the L5 terminal keyboard. That would really come in handy with long file paths and names.

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Have you tried the >_ key? :wink:

The repos are up for me.

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Have you enabled the “connect automatically” setting for your own network in WiFi?

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Not having TAB on the main screen of the OSK is for me a bug, not a feature.

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You can easily redesign your keyboard, though.

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Not having TAB on the main screen of the OSK is for me a bug, not a feature.

Fixed in squeekboard 1.23 via Improve the layouts of the us-terminal-keyboards (!601) · Merge requests · World / Phosh / squeekboard · GitLab


Further optimized in the Accessible Squeekboard Terminal Layout thread:


My phone took updates about 24 hours ago. So basically “up for me”.

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