Cant watch Youtube on Nexdock (it is jittering)


I wanted to watch Youtube on Firefox with my nexdock, but it is jittering, how can I solve this?

(it is also jittering, if I watch it only on my Librem 5)

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Reduce the video’s resolution to 360p, then try again.

It is still jittering.

Do I have to install a special video driver?

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No you do not. YouTube performs poorly on the Librem 5, so use an unaffected (unlisted) Invidious instance instead:

To enhance your privacy further, enable proxying videos within the instance’s preferences first.


FreeTube is capable of playing videos quite well on my L5. I haven’t tried it on the NexDock but I suspect it would play back pretty smoothly there, too.

It’s on Flathub: Install FreeTube on Linux | Flathub

Other than that, you will definitely have some more luck watching videos through Invidious over Youtube’s site. I suspect it’s the gobs of JavaScript, ads, and tracking that slow things down.


Looks like it uses NerdVPN’s Invidious instance under the hood by default, and there does not seem to be a way to configure the instance to proxy videos using FreeTube.

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“Cant watch Youtube…”

:+1: And Google can’t watch you, either. :wink:



ATM Firefox is very heavy for Librem 5, Firefox require GLES 3.0 otherwise stuttering and heat, low battery.
Also chance Jittering for Stutering or Blur or Slow as Jittering it a well known issue on cables materials or longitude, however Jitter maybe a true on ur case, not sure.

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I connected my Librem 5 to the TV and used the nextdock touchpad and keyboard as bluetooth from across the room so I could make fun of smart TVs or something like that.

So I was on the couch with the nexdock moving the mouse and typing on its keyboard, while those inputs bluetoothed into the L5 and then went from the L5 to the TV at 1080p over HDMI.

For whatever reason, when I installed Brave Browser on the Librem 5 and then watched YouTube from there, it seemed like the video playback was much much better. Maybe Google detects if the browser is chromium or not and decides whether to torture you based on that.

As others have stated, watching YouTube through a third party website, so that Google doesn’t know (as much?) about how you’re watching the video has also worked well for me in the past at avoiding the lags and problems introduced by Google’s YouTube page.

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YouTube has a lot of JavaScript that is actively used to identify your device to an intimate degree, compared to most Invidious instances where Google typically knows your IP address at most. Firefox ESR may be a contributing factor to performance degradation compared to Blink-based web browsers, although I do not use the latter or any other web browser engines.


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Is there a browser that works both with the Librem 5 Screen and the Nexdock Screen, that plays Youtube without jittering?

Brave Browser doesn’t have a row for typing an URL in it.

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I fixed video hw acceleration for h264 in Epiphany a while back on Byzantium, it should be still working. For most other things a newer OS version helps as lots of improvements made it into gstreamer, gtk, livi, etc (or flatpaks with newer gstreamer / gtk as people in this thread recommended).


For sure. If I recall, (in the case I was testing) Epiphany worked but Brave worked better, or something like that. I figure it’s probably a case of Google targeting chromium and its forks for the performance of YouTube, but I don’t know for sure.

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