Client app for music streaming on L5

Hello, I am self-hosting my music streamer with navidrome, so I was wondering if there is some client app to use with it. Anyone knows something?

Have you tried any of the ones listed here? Navidrome Overview | Navidrome


Yeah none is available for the L5, sublime mobile version would be amazing. Sublime Music it’s on debian testing though


In the meantime, there’s always the browser, as Navidrome indicates. Maybe use it as a web-app?

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that’s how I use in my pc currently…not very good on mobile but a temporary solution.


Are you willing to add the Debian testing repository into your etc/apt/sources.list?

that sounds like making a frankendebian: DontBreakDebian - Debian Wiki
then there’s the other problem, how mobile friendly will it be?

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Well if you want the amazing Sublime Music app, the instructions are right there with multiple installation options. The only way to find out if it is mobile-friendly is to try it.

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thanks for the help, but I think it’s better to wait than to risk breaking my pureOS install as I use it as my daily driver phone.

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You can use PyPi, which should be a workaround to your problem.

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I had a weird experience where I used pip install <thing> on my Librem 5 and then later sat down at my Windows computer and opened YouTube (bad, I know) and the number 1 YouTube recommendation was about the PyPI package that I had downloaded.

Some quick searching suggested that users could access the “anonymized” user data from PyPI by making a Google account, and those two things together were all I needed to see to know that I don’t want to use PyPI much unless it’s strictly necessary. Generally, when actions I take on my Librem 5 are instantly reflected in my Google AI-based recommendations, I would think that probably means I’m doing something wrong with the Librem 5.

But that’s just my opinion.

And somehow your Windows computer is not considered “bad” too?

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It’s definitely bad, it’s just something I didn’t fix yet. But, I hadn’t been doing python on it, and hadn’t been watching any YouTube videos related to python. So, yeah it says something about me not being a perfect person that I was on the Windows machine, but my personal issues aside what I’m saying is that it looked like very convincing evidence that the PyPI download history is published/datamined in a way that is not successfully anonymous.

You can delete your Google account if you have one and use an Invidious instance as a stopgap towards severing your relationship with Google, if you want that. This is the Invidious instance I use to proxy embedded YouTube videos:

If you see completely unrelated videos compared to your AI-based recommendations on this instance, that means you technically succeeded.

Let me know if you wish to make more progress towards eliminating Big Tech or other abusive digital relationships from your lifestyle; I am very serious about incorporating such practices into mine myself.

This is wise advice, but do we include PyPI among the things that should be eliminated? Or is it suggested as a form of obtaining software?

No, not if Microsoft and Google are still part of the picture; get rid of them first, then deal with smaller dependencies later.

This approach shares many commonalities with managing financial debt, except that I prefer tackling bigger debts first over bigger interest.

talking about that I always suggest the firefox extension libredirect, each link you open of youtube, tuiter and much more redirects to a invidious, nitter server and so on:

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Yes, that is exactly what I use, and is part of the ideas in my VPS thread. I fetch public instances from Codeberg and redirect both embedded and non-embedded YouTube links.

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I think I will just wait for this app to “mature”: Sublime Music | LinuxPhoneApps

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If you want, you can consider porting it to Flatpak and making it adaptive for the Librem 5 yourself. I have a strong interest in doing this for KeepassXC.

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