Convergence Issues

Before seeing the Hoyoki in Purism shop, I ordered a Hoyoki from Amazon (was cheaper as well) and returned it because of a defect in one port. The replacement Hoyoki works fine for me.
I use it a lot and I use a HP Z400 workstation, w/ Blackweb keyboard/mouse combo to a Samsung SyncMaster S27B370 w/ HDMI connection.
The only issue is that L5 Convergence says there are no known docks attached, so a manual trip through Settings > Displays is necessary.

In the image you provide, is the same Hoyoki I have. I think Puri may have changed the hardware out from Hoyoki to SutechSmart is because it appears that Hoyoki no longer sells them.


So what’s the solution to my problem: I’ve got the hub that’s on the Purism site plugged into the L5 (bought from Purism). My wireless keyboard works, the wireless mouse works. I can listen to a movie stored on the L5 with VLC on my Samsung 4K TV. However, I can’t open a browser to surf the Net, and mouse operations are often jerky (lag). When I unplug the Hub, sometimes bugs remain (the L5 tells me that browsers are open and need to be closed, etc.) and the L5 freezes completely. Other times, I can start using the L5 again without any problem once I’ve unplugged the hub (I can surf the Internet, etc.).

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Wait for the next Lnx 6.6.29 version i guess it could fix the issue.