Convergence on any computer


I want to use my librem 5 as mobile linux desktop on any computer it laptop.

I will not have a specific docking station available.

Solution 1

I assume, the easiest way would be a simple usb-c to hmdi cable in order to see the librem 5 screen on a software like obs Studio, available for Linux and windows.

For this solutions i would need an extra keyboard and mous to control the librem 5.

Solution 2

Another solution might be, to connect the computer to the phone via teethering and then using something like vnc viewer or team viewer for remote desktop connection.
For this solutions I can use the computer keyboard and mouse.

Question 1.)

Can i realize solutions 1 and 2 with librem 5?

Question 2.)

Do I need any special USB C to HDMI cable or can I use any?

Question 3.)

What software might be the beste one for Solution 2?

Question 4.)

Can i use my libren 5 in laptop or computer mode with the above mentioned solutions?

When I go to: mobile settings => convergence, it says: no known docks connected.

It’s necessery to have a dock to use the librem 5 in convergence mode or can I use convergence also without dock via solution 1 or solution 2 or any other convergence solution?

Question 5.)

Are there better, other or easier solutions to use my librem 5 as a mobile Linux Desktop?

Question 6.)

Is it not possible to get the librem 5 screen to my Laptop via USB-C to USB-C cable that was delivered with the phone?

Regards, Yupi

I don’t understand what you’re trying to do on “Solution 1”. A bluetooth mouse and keyboard plus a cable to a display? Maybe works (I guess depends on mouse and keyboard), but what has it to do with OBS Studio? With cable to monitor (non HDMI - see next question) you already have a picture on monitor. And this way you also cannot plug the phone on power.

I don’t see a reason solution 2 shouldn’t work at all. The main issue will be, that you still have 720x1440 resolution on 100% screen scale (360x720 on default 200%) and therefor no real convergence. You may also have to plug it to a monitor (or at least simulate it, but don’t ask me how) to get a big picture.

HDMI is not supported, you need USB C to Display Port. I don’t know if there is any cable or adapter like this, but some USB C hubs with display ports exist. But with such hub, you don’t need solution 1 or 2 anymore.

I think it depends on external monitor (others can correct me, if I’m wrong).

As I said, best is to buy an USB C hub with displayport, power supply and some USB for mouse and keyboard … maybe also Ethernet for faster (low latency) internet. It’s like a docking station, just without integrated monitor or keyboard etc and also costs a bit.

Depends … via terminal you can have access to L5 file system from Laptop. But that’s nothing you’re looking for I guess.

Convergence, as the way Purism advertises it, describes the ability to extend the Librem 5’s video signal onto an external display and its input functions onto external peripherals such as a keyboard and mouse. This is most easily achieved by using a docking station or USB-C hub in conjunction with a monitor/keyboard/mouse, or a lapdock kit.

Mirroring your phone’s session onto another host computer such as a laptop, however, uses different technology and will not be solved in the same way. You are correct in that you would need to install/configure VNC server software of your choice onto the Librem 5, install VNC viewer software on the computer you wish to use, and ensure that both devices are networked appropriately.

In my opinion, the USB-C hub is the easiest method to converge the Librem 5 onto an existing monitor/keyboard/mouse at a desk, and the Lapdock kit is the easiest way to converge the Librem 5 as a laptop. The VNC approach is most convenient if you only want to carry around the Librem 5 and another laptop (as opposed to a Lapdock), but networking challenges will likely deter you from this approach.

While it is technically possible, I don’t believe anyone has packaged anything to make this simple. The Librem 5 will extend a virtual Ethernet connection to a connected computer, but does not automatically mirror its desktop session. Remember, a typical iOS/Android smartphone establishes itself as a mass media device when connected to a host computer and exposes its internal storage to the computer for transferring media. The Librem 5, however, is a fully-functioning computer that looks like a smartphone.


Thanks guys, I believe I will try one after the other.


It’s like trying to connect one laptop to another laptop and mirroring the first laptop’s functioning on the second one.

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… which won’t work on most (second) laptops because USB-C can be used to output video but not to input video (on the second laptop).

So you end up having to use higher level protocols. Maybe WiDi / Miracast or otherwise things like VNC.

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