Convert GIF to SVG

Do we have an app, best on cmd line, to convert a bunch of small GIF files to SVG?
The background of my question is: We have a perl-written application which produces HTML code to control something with a browser, a Library Management System. This browser application has in its left frame a menu as visible in the two screens below, named ‘First’ and ‘Second’. If I click in the First on the small ‘+’ symbol next to the word ‘Systemparameter’, it opens a menu as visible in ‘Second’. The blue links then open in the right frame (not shown) masks (HTML forms, etc.) to control data and other things.

All these small lines, horizontal and vertical, and the ‘+’ and ‘-’ symbols are made of small GIF files. Note also, how the ‘+’ changes to ‘-’ after the click.

The problem is with accessibility: when the browser works in dark mode, the lines are not visible anymore (dark on dark). My idea is to change the GIFs to SVG and control back and foreground color depending on the browser mode.



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You’d probably have it easier if you used a vector drawing program to create those svgs if you only have those few gifs. As for lines, could UTF font line characters be useful in this?

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Use Dark Reader:

I found an easy way so the menu fulfills the a11y requirements: I changed the black to some kind of blue #3434FF:

for n in *.gif ; do convert -fill '#3434FF' $n -opaque black temp.gif ; mv temp.gif $n ; done

The contrast between foreground and background matches the a11y requirements in normal and in dark mode.

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