Crimson 11 Question

Is pureos crimson 11 base on debian testing?

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Crimson is based on Debian 12 ‘Bookworm’.


You said crimson is rolling so why is it base on debian which is stable?


PureOS releases are behind Debian by one codename release:

  • PureOS 10.3 ‘Byzantium’ (stable) → Debian 11 ‘Bullseye’ (oldstable)
  • PureOS 11 ‘Crimson’ (rolling) → Debian 12 ‘Bookworm’ (stable)

There is currently no PureOS equivalent for Debian 13 ‘Trixie’ (testing).

AHH i think i get it pureos 11 crimson is stable but it merge packages from the debian testing. Example: keepassxc unstable version is 2.7.7 after that testing in unstable to move to testing version 2.7.7 and after that testing it become stable so the pureos 11 application will get updated stable applications unlike that debian pure stable which is staying in 2.7.4 which is old.

Am i correct with this?

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No, Crimson is rolling and does not receive real-world testing by design.

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Personally i find calling the active development branch a “rolling” release to be disingenuous and to create confusion.

Just call it the testing/development branch since it’s not a rolling release if you plan to have it eventually stablize.


Exactly - If I’m not wrong, Crimson is based on Debian Bookworm - which is the “stable” version of Debian, which only gets security fixes, and (very seldom) new stuff. Even the two development repositories of Debian isn’t really rolling, because they are working to release a new version of Debian, and get frozen when getting close to the new release, and then they don’t get new versions of packages, but only fixes for release-critical bugs. And if a release isn’t rolling always, it can’t really be called rolling, can it?

BUT, with that said, Crimson does get updates from Purism in addition to the security fixes from Bookworm with fixes for their parts (fixes for the librem 5 and stuff like that). But I would very much doubt that their fixes are enough to classify the release as “rolling”. And this is good, we want a stable operating system for our phone or computers, right?


It depends on your use case.